Broken Glass

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"Pass it!" I scream from the side lines.
"Whoooooooooooo!" The crowd erupts in cheers.
Henry runs down the field high giving his teammates as he just scored the winning goal for his soccer tournament!
"Way to go buddy!" I say and high five him.
We fist bump and I run my hand through my hair. He runs back to his team and his coaches congratulate him.
*after the game*
"Now for a celebration do you want to go for ice cream or something else?" I ask him and squat down to his level.
"Can we go to San Fransiscos and get DA BOMB chocolate cake?" He asks greedily.
"Only for the best soccer player ever!"
"Yaaaaaaaay!!" He screams.
"Ok but first we're gonna go change," I tell him and he slumps.
"Fine," he agrees.
*later that night*
We were sitting on the couch peacefully sleeping when I heard something smash. I carefully lift Henry out of my lap and place him softly on the couch. I grab my gun from the side table and carefully walk over to the front door.
I check to make sure it's locked and it is. I turn around and walk through the hall and into the kitchen gun at the ready.
Sure enough there's a coffee mug smashed on the floor.
"All doors and windows are locked," I whisper to myself.
I look around and see Stella sitting down in front of the glass.
"You," I say and narrows my eyes at her.
She wags her tail and barks.
"Hey! Shut up!" I whisper shout at her.
She barks three more times.
"Shut up!" I raise my voice at her.
She starts running around, her tail going a thousand miles an hour.
"Come hear!" I yell loud enough for her to hear, but careful not to wake Henry.
"Come here Stella!"
She finally obeys and lies down at my feet.
"Sometimes I wonder why we got you!" I chuckle.
After petting her for a while, I decide I should pick up the mug that she smashed.
After I'm done I walk back over to the couch and snuggle up with Henry. Stella lies down on the rug in front of the couch.
This could be the perfect family if Spence was here.

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