It's All Too Fast

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Henry's POV
The school bell rang and I quickly ran out the door and over to mom.
"Hey bud! How was your day?" She asked me.
"Awesome! We got to play trucks in the mud!" I tell her pointing to the mud stains on my shorts and T-Shirt.
"I can tell!" She beams.
"Can I play with tommy?" I ask.
She looks over at tommy's parents and frowns.
"What's wrong?" I ask looking up at her.
"N-Nothing," she responds.
"So can I?" I ask again.
"Not today bud," she frowns.
"Awe! Ok." I say sadly.
I start walking to the car, my following shortly behind me.
"Jennifer?" I hear someone say.
"Jennifer Jareau?" I hear the voice again.
I turn around and look at mom. I nod towards the man talking to her.
She turns to face the man,"Do I know you?" She asks.
"Uh yeah, Alex Bacher." He says.
"Oh uh Bacher hi," she says glumly.
"Mommy, who is he?" I ask.
"Oh this was my friend from high school."
"Ya! I was her boy-"
Mom cuts him off," He was my friend," she glares at the man.
I may only be seven but I can tell when something's not right with mom. She gets all anxious and cuts people off a lot. If I knew any better, I'd think this man hurt her in some way.
"Henry go to the car, it's unlocked."
"Ok!" He says and skips to the car.
"Cheery kid! I like that," he said.
He's not yours, I think to myself.
"So how long has it been?" He asks and brushes his hand against mine.
"Don't touch me," I say sternly.
"But baby," he whispers.
"Don't call me that!"
"But your mine!" He says trying to seduce me.
"No I'm Spencer's!" I snap.
"So you've been cheating eh! I knew you were a lying bitch!" He retaliated.
"I was never yours! And I will never be yours!" I say backing up.
"Just wait." He smirks.
"Yea I'll wait, I'll be putting your ass in prison when I'm done waiting. Now go ahead, touch a federal agent!" I spit at him.
"Oh I'll get you some day," he spits back.
"Alex Bacher your under the arrest for harassing a Federal Agent!" I say and turn him around.
"Wh-what? Why!" He asks.
"One more time and your in jail, now get outta here." I say and push him away.
I walk back to the car and drive home.
*5 hours later*
"Because you'll always be my baby star," I finish Henry's bed time story and kiss his forehead before exiting his room.
"I love you mommy," he says.
"I love you too baby," I tell him before closing his door.
I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I pick up my phone and see 6 missed calls from Emily.
I call her back and on the third ring she still hasn't answered.
"What's wrong with her?" I ask myself.
Ring ring ring. It's Emily.
"Hello?" I answer.
"J-J," she answers, her breath shaky.
"Em? What's wrong?"
"H-He pre-proposed," she says sobbing.
"That's great!" I say enthusiastically.
"No!" She responds,"It's not!"
"Why?" I ask confused.
"B-because it's all too much! It's too f-fast!"
"Did you want to come over?" I ask sympathetically.
"N-no. I j-j-just want t-to be al-alone."
"Ok. Can I ask if you said yes or no?"
"I-I said n-no. But we're st-still d-d-dating."
"Oh wow. Ok. Listen I gotta go, Henry has school tomorrow and we might have work. I'm sorry Em."
"It's ok. I better go to bed too," she sniffles.
"Ok. Sleep well."
"Night JJ."
I walk up this stairs and crawl under the sheets. I pull my pillow over to where Spencer would usually sleep.
"Goodnight Spence," I whisper as water brims the bottoms of my eyes," I love you baby."
And with that I drift off to sleep.

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