Making a new friend

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*One month later*
"Please ladies and gentle men, calm down! We will catch this man!" I say as the press keep pushing for answers. I push past all the reporters and ignore all the questions raining down on me.
"No comment," I say to many people.
Once I reach the police station I walk towards the table that were set up at and take a seat next to Emily.
"How are you? Is everything ok?" I ask.
"Actually I went back on my word and said yes," she says and shows me her ring.
"Oh my god! The diamonds huge! Your such a lucky girl!" I say and smile.
"Thanks JJ! And don't worry you'll find that special guy," she says and rubs my hand.
"I already did," I mumble under my breath.
"Hey, everything happens for a reason."
"I've heard that so many damn times! I just want this giant grey cloud of shit to piss off!" I raise my voice.
"Prentiss, Jareau we found him," Hotch says as he vests up.
*30 minutes later*
We finally reach an old log house in the middle of nowhere. Literally. I don't even know how Garcia found this place!
"Morgan and JJ you two take the back, Rossi, Em and I will take the front," Hotch says before we exit the car.
Me and Morgan jump out of the car and squat low to the ground and run to the back of the house.
"Grant Bain! FBI! OPEN UP!" I yell.
No response.
Still nothing.
I signal for Morgan to kick down the door.
We walk in guns raised. Morgan takes the kitchen and dining room and I take the living room and mud room.
"Clear," I hear Morgan yell from the kitchen.
"Clear," I yell as I check the mud room.
I was about to yell clear again when I see Bain with a blonde haired woman,like all the other victims, held around the neck with a knife raised to her throat.
"Grant Bain. Lower your weapon or I shoot." I warn taking one step closer to him.
"Take one more step and I slit her throat." He threatens.
"Don't do it Grant. I know what your father did to you and your mother. He raped you until you were 15. He never stopped with your mother. She committed suicide when you were 17. You blamed him for her death but you knew the truth. But grant is this what you think will help? Because it won't. It will only make it worse. Put down the knife and we can sort out some sort of deal. I'll put away my gun." I say slowly lowering my gun.
He raises his knife as if to throw it at me but I swiftly and quickly raise my gun before he can release it and shoot him in the knee cap.
He falls to the floor, releasing the girl and knife.
I can hear Morgan rush in behind me and Hotch, Emily and Rossi come in seconds after.
I lower my gun and walk over to the girl.
"Hi, um I'm agent Jennifer Jareau. I'm sorry I couldn't get you out of th," I'm cut short when she wraps me in a hug and begins to cry. At first I don't hug back but after a moment or two I wrap my arms around her.
"Shhh, it's ok, your safe now," I soothe.
"T-t-thank you," she shakily says into my shoulder.
"That's what I'm here for," I laugh.
"Do you want to go get something to eat?" I ask.
"Yes p-please," she wipes her eyes free from the tears.
I look over to Hotch and he nods his head.
Once we reach McDonalds I tell her to get what ever she wants. I order a coke and large fry while she orders two cheese burgers, a large fry and a coke.
"Um I'm Lindsay by the way," she smiles.
"I'm Jennifer, but you can call me JJ." I return her smile.
"Why JJ?" She asks.
"Because my names is Jennifer and my last name is Jareau so my friends call me JJ for short."
"Did you want to call your parents?" I ask retrieving my phone from my pocket.
"My uh, my parents passed away from uh, cancer." She chokes out.
"Oh I'm so sorry."
"Thanks," she half smiles.
For the next couple minutes we sit in comfortable silence, munching away in our food.
"So do you have any hobbies?" I ask.
"Dirt biking," she says proudly.
"Oo! A Tom boy!" I laugh.
"Yeah I have five brothers so it only makes sense." She laughs back.
"You?" She asks back.
"I like snow boarding, surfing and cottaging!"
"I've always wanted to try snow boarding," she ponders on the topic.
"Well here's my number. Text me anytime and in the winter I'll take you sometime!" I smile.
"Thank you Jennif- JJ," she smiles.
After we're done our food I take her back to her apartment.
"Thank you once again," she hugs me.
"Your welcome. Now if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me or text me!" I say as we pull apart.
"Deal!" She replies.
"Have a good night Lindsay."
"You too JJ."

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