Authors Note

445 7 24

Ok guys I'm sick and tired of this! I used to have 150 reads minimum and now I have 16 reads on the last chapter posted! Why?!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡????? Is it because my books suck?? Or I suck at writing?? Or you guys got sick of waiting for my updates?? Please tell me why I have like zero reads on my chapters now! I'd love for you guys to shed some light on this! Please don't just read this and ignore it; please read this and comment and tell me why you hate my book or why you don't vote or comment or why no one is reading my chapters anymore! I really won't care if you comment "I hate your book" or "I'm not a fan of your book" because then I know what you people are thinking! Thanks guys And please be brutally honest with me; bye for now.

Smoke In The RainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora