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I wake up, my head throbbing and pull the sheets off of my body.
I hear a groan and look over my shoulder.
"Fuck," I groan,"Me."
"Morning," he says and rolls over.
"Oh um," I grab for my robe and wrap myself up quickly.
"What's a matter, your beautiful let me see," Jake smiles.
"That's the thing Jake, last night, I was drunk and I didn't really realize what I was doing. I'm so sorry."
"Oh! I uh, I'll go then." He says rolling out of bed, throwing on his boxers.
After we're both dressed I walk him to the door and tell him sorry again.
"Call me if you change your mind," he smirks and closes the door behind him.
I sigh and take a look at my living room. Empty wine glasses, clothes, everything's out of place.
"Why did I have to go out?" I say and palm myself in the face.
I decide to go shower before cleaning up.
Afterwards I begin picking up items of clothing, throwing them in the wash, washing wine glasses, straightening up couches, picking up garbage and man. Other things. It takes me about an hour or so to clean up before I can relax.
I plop myself on the couch and begin watching Quantico while Stella curls up at my feet.
Today I'm just gonna relax.

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