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As I drive home that night I think about all the times me and the team had together. Our dinners, our game nights, our Christmas's, our track meets, when we all announced our couples (Jeid, morcia, hotchniss), everything. I'm gonna miss that.
I've been thinking a lot lately, and I think it's time I let go of my family and spend it with my real family, Henry. I know it's gonna take a toll on all of us but Henry needs me more then anybody else. And yes, I know, 'your gonna leave your family! Why? You love them!' And yes I love them to death but I love my son even more.
Plus lately the cases have really been getting to me. I cry myself to sleep at night because their so gruesome and knowing that all that could happen to my son, or me, it's crazy. The other thing is that the last case we had, a male about Spencer's age, same dark brown eyes, same curly hair, same everything, was killed. Every time I saw his picture it reminded me too much of that painful night. It was like a stab to the heart every time.
"Why does life have to be so confusing?" I moan.
I pull into the driveway, checking my makeup quickly before getting out.
I open the door and Henry rushes into my arms.
"Hey buddy, I missed you!" I say kissing his head.
"You were only gone for a couple hours mommy," he laughs.
"I know but that's a long time for me."
"Hey JJ," Ashely, the babysitter greets me.
"Hey. How was he today?"
"Good. Ate everything on his plate for dinner, did his homework and had a bath!" She smiles," Oh! I cooked you an extra chicken breast for dinner, there are still some mashed potatoes and beans on the stove." She says.
"Oh! You didn't have to do that, but thanks!"
She nods her head before pulling her coat over her shoulders.
I pull out a fifty from my wallet, handing it to her as she picks up her car keys.
"No! That's too much." She denies the money.
"Ashley! Take it!" I tell her.
"No! I don't want it." She fights back.
"And I don't want it either!" I laugh.
"Are you sure?" She smiles.
"Yes now take it and stop being so stubborn!" I say placing it in her hand.
"Well thanks," she smiles hugging me before saying goodbye to Henry and I.
"Bye," I say closing the door.
I turn around hanging up my coat and walking into the kitchen.
"Mommy, I'm tired. Can you tuck me into bed?" Henry asks.
"Sure. Just a sec," I tell him, putting my plate of food in the microwave and hitting reheat.
"Alright buddy lets go!" I take his hand and skip with him up to his room.
"Night baby, I love you."
"Love you too mommy," he says kissing me on the cheek.
I walk out shutting of his lamp and closing the door behind me.
That's night I climb into my empty bed and stare up at the ceiling.
"Night Spence, I love you," I whisper before sinking into a deep sleep.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and this book so far. Sorry I didn't update in forever! It was because I forgot my password to my phone so I could get on lol! My mom just fixed it a couple days ago!😁 Anyways hope you Canadians had a GREAT thanksgiving and turkey dinner!🍁Bye!

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