Before you start / Trailer

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(Check out the trailer for this fic above!)

Hello again!

It's amazing how much Always There has come with all the votes and comments, and I just want to say another BIG thank you for all the love.

(If you were here since the last book, then you know it really has taken me 2 years to get to this, didn't I? I'm terribly sorry about that, hehe).

Now this is Always Yours, the sequel to Always There, but I'm writing it in a way that you do not have to read Always There to begin and understand this one. This is mostly because I've matured since then, and I cringe at some things from Always There (but all writers do that with their works, I presume, haha).

If you want to read Always There, then go on ahead! It holds everything that led up to the two main characters' relationship in this story. This work will begin with the couple already together—hence a sequel—but it will begin a new book for anyone who will call it as you may.

I also helped new readers by summarizing their stories in the beginning of Chapter One, so you will be able to comprehend what's going on, instead of going back and reading the mess that is the first book.

If you're a returning reader from Always There, then welcome back! I've missed you and I hope I won't disappoint your expectations in this one. Don't be afraid to let me know! Feedback helps writers! I do go back and read every single one of your comments, even if I'm not able to respond to each one. Your thoughts are never ignored.

I put YouTube videos of songs in almost every chapter, and they are songs I purposely chose because they correlate with what's happening in the chapter so give them a listen while you read!

This is Kaya, just in case you needed a face claim. However, you can picture her as whoever you want!

 However, you can picture her as whoever you want!

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P.S. My chapter word count has changed since the last book, so that'll be something different that you'll notice.  (My chapters are a lot longer now!)

P.P.S. Please do not copy my work. That is all I ask.

P.P.P.S. (Lol) I must warn you that I am a busy person in real life, so the updating schedule may be complicated from here on out. I apologize for that but please bear with me.

As I do not want to blabber on and hold you from the story, here you are now.

Enjoy! :)

Always Yours + Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now