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It's 5 in the morning and I'm rubbing Niall's back while he's hunched over the toilet bowl

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It's 5 in the morning and I'm rubbing Niall's back while he's hunched over the toilet bowl. The poor guy's been puking every other hour since we got home. I don't blame his stomach for withdrawing its contents though, what with him mixing whatever hard drug he took with a sickening amount of beer.

Knowing his average alcohol intake, I don't doubt that he drank a whole tub of the liquor. His tolerance for the beverage is impressive, but it's certainly not something laudable or praiseworthy.

"Ugh..." Niall groans, keeping his head low in the toilet. "I feel like I'm dying."

Before I can say anything, the boy hurtles forward and regurgitates once again. Not much comes out this time—most likely because his stomach is empty by now—but he still looks as pained nonetheless.

I grab a washcloth from the sink and gently wipe his mouth as he hovers over the bowl, his mouth slightly parted in his heavy breathing. His eyes are red and teary, following his sickened expression that makes me feel all the more sympathetic. I have no doubt he feels like hell.

Niall's only partially at fault for this. He had no intention to take the drug he'd underhandedly been fed. It angers me, because who the hell has the conscious to drug someone like that? What if it killed him? My blood is boiling and I wish I could go back to that party and stab the shit out of the guy.

"Will you..." Niall silently mutters, his voice weak as he turns his head to me. His eyes keep fluttering close, as if he can't manage to keep them open. "Will you sit on the ground, I..."

I carry out his request by sitting down on the tile floor, the side of the bathtub allowing my back rest. It doesn't take long until Niall's crawling my way and is lying himself down, his head on my crossed legs and his long body settled across the floor. He folds his arms on his chest and closes his eyes, his breathing slow and steady as I begin to stroke his thick hair.

A few minutes go by and I infer that Niall's fallen asleep, but then his mouth opens and he's saying, "I'm sorry."

His eyes remain closed and my heart drops. That classic line composed of two words were enough to fuck me over because he's not in the shoes to be apologizing for anything. This isn't his fault, why is he blaming himself? I'm really getting the urge to fight that person who drugged him right now.

"Don't be." I reply, wishing he'd open his eyes so that he'll see how much I mean it.

"But I am though." He sighs, "I didn't wanna bother you but you're the only person I like wasting my time with. I got bored and lost myself, and now look, you're stuck here having to take care of me."

"Stop." I say, putting my hands on his cheeks and squeezing them together. "Of course I'd be here for you, I care about you. Why wouldn't I be?"

Lips pursed like a fish because of my hold, Niall answers with, "'Cause Cady. You're supposed to be taking care of her."

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