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Niall and I only had enough time to do mini these and thats until summer sadly took its end

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Niall and I only had enough time to do mini these and thats until summer sadly took its end. We went to the movies, attended a few more house parties (despite Niall's previous catastrophe; we even made sure to stay clear of Louis' college blokes), and more often than not binged at home as we usually did those summer days.

In spite of its coming end, I'm not angry or disheartened. I had the best summer I've ever had in my life, and I started and finished it with the person I loved. I wouldn't have spent it any other way.

However, with summer going on its way, it decided to take everything great with it.

On the Saturday before the beginning school month, Niall runs to me with news so great the smile on his face stretches from ear to ear. I'm in the bathroom straightening my hair, and Niall barges in the door and almost slips on the wet tile floor.

"What the fuck!" He curses out loud, finding his balance. His phone is held outwards in his other hand, the bright screen facing whoever audience he's showing it to.

I finish the lock of hair and put the hot tool down. "Sorry, I spilled water earlier." I explain, and Niall just shakes it off and rushes near to me. "Calm down, babe, what's going on?"

Niall seems unfazed with his almost accident, jumping on his feet and biting his bottom lip from his bubbly smile.

"Look look look!" He shows his iPhone screen. There's an iMessage conversation, and just as I squint my eyes to read the small letters, Niall takes his phone away.

"I was reading it—" I mumble, only to be spoken over by the idiot. I hadn't even made it as far as finding out the contact on the other side of the conversation.

"My parents!" Niall answers my unsaid question for me. "They texted me and they said they hit an epiphany. They wanna set up a Skype video chat with me soon! With us!"

My eyes are widening at this point. Niall's excitement can't seem to lessen.

"Kaya! You can finally meet them! I mean... it'll be through the screen, but we'll take what we can get, right?" Niall looks expectedly at me, waiting.

I just hold a twitching smile, unsure of how to react.

"What did you mean when you said they hit an epiphany?" I curve the subject, wanting nothing to do with worrying about his parents and what they would think of me. I know them and they know me, but it's been years. They could've changed their minds about me. What if they don't like the person I grew up to be?

Niall shrugs his shoulder, lowering his head to his phone. "Like, they said it's been too long. They want to be close with me again, get to know me and all that." He looks at me again. I can read how happy it makes him, how it warms him to know that his parents still cared after all this time.

"Crazy, huh?" He continues. "They let so many years pass by and it's only now that they realize what they've been missing."

I scoff at that, rolling my eyes in disbelief. "Niall, of course they'd still want to know you. They don't say it, but they do love you. I'm sure."

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