The Escape

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I untied Harper and we ran as fast as we could to find a way out. We appeared to be in a a basement. I couldn't see where we wer going since I was in a sack, but I could tell because there were stairs and high windows that looked out into grass and nothing else. It made me feel like an ant. I looked out the window while Harper turned on the light. I could just barely make out a driveway, but I didn't see any cars. So I ran to the door as started to bang on it as hard as I could. The hinges were loose, but not loose enough. So I took one of the chairs and smashed it against the door, knocking it down. Then Harper and ran upstairs. HTT was nowhere in sight.  So we ran out the door and into the night air, where I looked back and forth at the roads, not knowing which way to go. I thought about which way the sun faced from my house and headed East, not knowing if it was the right way. 

(I know, short chapter and ish, but I've been having issues with getting my chapters up and this the first one in a few days.)

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