She Insilted My Family

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When Stampy came home, he seemed to know that there was some sort of storm that had just happened. I'd cleaned up the mess I had made when I slapped the spoon out of my Mom's hand. And the chipped corner on the cabinet when I had slammed it. I put some tape over it and made plans to go to Home Depot to get a new door for it. But Stampy could tell. He came over and put his arms around me. I melted into his arms.

"What happened?" He asked in a cooing voice. I turned around and gave him a kiss.

"My Mom is gone." I told him. His eyes went wide.

"Really? How'd you manage to make that miracle?" He joked. I didn't smile.

"She insulted my family." Stampy's wide eyes grew dark.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He growled. I turned around and continued to feed Ben as I spoke. Stampy picked Bella up from the twin crib and set her in her pink highchair.

"She came over and told me about how she had taught Jake how to feed himself by the time he was out of breast feeding and how I'm doing everything wrong. And how Ben's face is as messed up as our family." I thought about what else she had told me. This wasn't the first time that she'd been like this. Once she found out Harper wasn't an in-marriage baby, she was talking about how I was a horrible person, how I acted like a slut, everything. I told Stampy this and he listened intently, his hand turning red at how hard he held Bella's spoon. Then I told him the worst part. "She once told me that I was such an attention whore that I pretended to love you so that you would marry me. Can you believe that?" I turned to him, and I could see that his face was white. "You don't really believe that, do you?" I asked.

"Of course not. I've just, always wondered. It wouldn't be the first time someone did something like that to a YouTuber. But I don't believe that." He said. I went back to feeding Ben and changed the subject.

"I also changed the wedding plans. We have our pink attire and our fan's music back."

"That's good." he mumbled. We were quiet for the rest of the night.

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