William Beaver

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Sam was a huge help around the house. She was a bit of a slob, but Stampy straightened her out and she got better. But she took care of the kids while Stampy and recorded, went grocery shopping, and all sorts of things. She was also super smart. She helped Harper with his science homework especially. Then one day, she got a phone call. We were all in the living room, playing Wii Sports together. Then her cell phone rang and she picked it up.
"This is Sam Garret." She greeted, smiling. Then her face darkened. "What? But how? Do you have any leads? But what am I supposed to do?" She was quiet for some time, anger growing on her face. "No, no you listen to ME sir! Until I find who did it, I am legally naming YOU responsible! I will not be a part of that anymore! Good day sir! I SAID GOOD DAY!" Then she threw the phone at the couch. We all looked at her. She plunked on the couch that was covered in blankets and pillows and buried her face in her hands. I went up to her and put my hand on her shoulders comfortingly. She looked up. "My house was set on fire apparently. There wasn't anything wrong with it. It was a brand new house with good wiring and everything off. Someone deliberately placed straw and oil by my house, and lit it on fire. They found remnants of straw by where the front door was." I could see her mascara running down her cheeks. "I'm homeless. Everything that I held close to my heart was in that house." Stampy came over and gave her a hug.
"You can stay with us for as long as you need." He said. Harper crawled over and hugged her.
"You can have my room if you want and I'll move in with Ben." Ben jumped up and down, excited. Sam squeezed Harper, tears streaming down her face.
"You're a good kid. Just like your dad here." Then she turned to me. "And thanks Willow for letting me stay here for a little bit. I promise, I won't get in your way." I waved that away.
"Don't you worry about. Tell you what, you go get some furniture for your room, and Harper and I will start to clear out his stuff. Stampy actually has to record his video today." Stampy's eyes widened and he dashed upstairs to his office.
'"Hey Sam, can I go with you?" Harper begged. Ben and Bella jumped up and down.
"Us too! Us too!" They shouted. Sam laughed.
"Of course! The more the merrier!" So they left and I began to pack Harper's things into boxes, when I heard Stampy shouting from down the hall.
"It's HitTheTarget! Veeva Dash is working with HitTheTarget!" I ran downstairs and got into Stampy's Lovely World as fast I could, running down to help, just as HitTheTarget put a third wither head on a some soul sand and spawned, the Wither! Stampy screamed as it exploded in HTT's we began to chase it down and attack it, losing track of it every now and then and finding attacking it.
"Willow! We're never going to defeat this thing! It's going to destroy the world!" Then a beaver came running over! He helped us defeat the Wither! After Stampy turned off the camera, we spoke to him. He introduced himself as Will, but most people called him Thunder, because he always wore a red jacket with a thunderbolt on the back. We also found out that he lived not too far from us and actually went to school with Harper. We invited him over to hang out with Harper anytime he liked and shut off the Xbox.

(Sorry for publishing it without finishing it guys! But its up, and its done!)

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