Lost and Found

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Harper and I walked through the woods for what felt like days. We didn't know where we we were going, we didn't know how far we were from HTT's house, but we both wanted to be as far from it as possible. I'd stolen some food from the cabin and we were able to survive. But the day was slowly dwindling to night. I built us a shelter and we slept for the night. We repeated this for a few days, but we were slowly running out of food. I gave up most of mine for Harper. We considered going back, but we'd forgotten which we way we had come. The thick forest was like a maze and Harper and I were the rats trapped inside. Soon we were out of food and fresh water. I'd taken Harper down by the river and we'd cooled off in there, but now we were all wet and night was falling and were starting to colder. I wrapped my arms around Harper to try and preserve our body hear, but being wet it didn't help. I brought him into our shelter and covered him with leaves and mud to try and keep him warm. I did the same with myself, once in cased feeling much warmer. Then I fell asleep.

Stampy's POV

I sat in the living room, carrying both Ben and Bella, worried out of my mind. Willow and Harper were both gone. They had to have been taken. I'd found Willow's phone and read a text that told her that HTT had Harper. I could tell because who else would call Harper his son? HTT must have taken them both somewhere tied up. I patted a fussy Bella's back just as the phone rang. I set both babies down in their twin highchairs and ran to the phone.

"Is this Joseph Garret?" Asked the craggily voice on the other end. 

"Speaking." I said. 

"We found a witness who saw the kidnapper's license plate and followed them to the edge of the woods. We're going to take a look." 

"I'll be down there in a bit." I said. Then I called Jake and Amy to come babysit the twins, then went to the police department  and drove to the woods, where we saw tire tracks and followed them to a cabin, where HTT was running around as if he was looking for something. While the cops arrested HTT, I walked ahead and called for Willow and Harper. That was when I saw a shelter. They'd been here! I followed a trail of shelters until I came to the last one. It looked like the person had gotten tired and didn't finish. I went over to it and saw them! They were both about half buried, probably to keep warm and were alseep. I didn't want t wake them, so I carefully dug them out and pulled them out of their shelter. They both looked like they hadn't had muc to eat in a few days and te were all cut up. I took my jacket and wrapped it around Harper, then took off my long sleeve shirt that I had put over a short sleeved shirt and put Willow in that. Neither of them stirred. That was when the cops showed up.

"We found them!" They shouted. One of the cops picked up Harper while I carried Willow. She stirred, then opened her eyes, and smiled at me.

"Stampy." She whispered. I smiled. 

"Hey sleepyhead." I murmured. She caressed my cheek with her hand an I leaned down and kissed her. When we got back to my car, I laid her in the passenger seat while the cop laid Harper in the back. Then I drove them home. My family was back together

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