Jake's Proposal

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(What? What is this? An early chapter? Haven't seen one of those in a while. Sorry for not ginving this story as much attention as I probably should, seeing as it's one of my most popular stories, so I wanted to thank you for all the wonderful support you have given me with this story and I Married The Cat, you guys rock! Okay enjoy the chapter!)

Harper and I weren't really energised when we got home. We both had really bad colds and I had a fever for a few days. But soon we got better and I was able to help Stampy out with Ben and Bella, who were growing up so fast. They were toddling around, didn't need to be fed every two hours, Making as much noise as possible. But we loved them just the same. Meanwhile, Jake seemed to be becoming very apprehensive, like he was thinking of something. One day, after I'd just put Ben and Bella down for a nap because I needed a break and Harper was at school, I overheard Jake talking to Stampy. I stayed in the hallway and eavesdropped.

"Joe, I'm asking you as a friend. How did you feel about proposing to Willow? How did you know you were ready?" He asked.

"Well, I'd gotten her the best ring I could find and dressed nicely and just went for it. I'd just felt like it was time for me to finally tell her how much I love her. Why do you ask?" There was a long silence.

"Well," Jake sounded nervous. "I've been kind of wanting to ask Amy to marry me." I gasped and covered my mouth. There was another silence, then a cheer from Stampy.

"Really? That's wonderful mate, congratulations!" He exclaimed. That's when I decided to walk in and pretend like I didn't hear anything.

"What's so wonderful?" I asked innocently. Jake's face turned red and he looked at the ground.

"Jake wants to propose to Amy!" Stampy told me. I smiled at Jake.

"Jake that's amazing! I know that she's going to love the ring you get her." Jake reached into his pocket. 

"I already got the ring, I've just been so scared to ask." He pulled out the little box and showed us the ring. It was beautiful. It was a teardrop shaped amethyst stone with smaller stones surround it. The amethyst was Amy's favourite gem.

"She'll love it." I said. As if right on cue, that's when we heard a knock on the door.

"Stampy? Willow? Is Jake here? He's not at home." I got up and opened the door and in came Amy Lee with her long black hair and her black mascara with her bright pink sundress. Then Jake stood up and went over to her.

"Amy? There's something I have to tell you." She tilted her head curiously.

"Sure. What's up darling?" She asked. His face turned the same shade of red as his shirt.

"Well, we've known each other for twelve years now and we've been dating for five of those years. And I have felt such a connection with you." Then he got down on one knee and got out the the box, her gasping and covering her mouth, her face as pink as her dress.

"Amy Lee33, will you marry me?" He asked, showing her the pink stone. She squealed and jumped and down, leaning down to hug Jake and kissing him all over his face.

"Yes! Jakob Anderson I will marry you!" She squealed. We celebrated that night with champagne for the adults and grape juice for the kids. It was a perfect ending to a nice day. 

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