After The Wedding

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After the wedding, everything went pretty much back to the way it was before. My parents went back home to Michigan, Finball, Mousie and Rosie went back to America, Lee went back to Scotland, and Harper went back to school. Stampy surprised me with a load of premade videos. He didn't have to record for a while! So we got to spend more time  together. Well, together with the twins, who were growing up fast. They were walking and talking all by themselves. They didn't need us to feed them anymore and were off the bottle. And they loved to watch mommy and daddy play video games! We had been running around all day, getting groceries and buying Harper some new jeans, so Bella and Ben were exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. Stampy and I took this opportunity and decided to play Minecraft together. We hadn't played in a while and we had nothing else to do. We had just loaded up the world and began to build a new shop when we heard giggling as Stampy and I argued over what material to build out of. We looked and saw that they had woken up and were watching us play. And thus, the Baby Cat series on my and Stampy's channel was born. We  had separate  Xbox's so we could play multiplayer without split screen. Stampy and Ben would go upstairs and play in Stampy's office while Bella and I played downstairs. What we did was, the twins would take turns picking something for Stampy and I to build and the four of us did a competition where we built the thing that the kids picked. Harper had joined in a few days later, feeling really left out. He did it by himself though so his always looked more grown up. It was quite possibly the most fun family thing that we ever did. This went on for about five months, Harper getting out of school and the twins getting out of diapers. (the twins being born, I decided had been in September and the wedding, which takes forever usually, so that's how it worked out I guess, took place in February. Yes, I skipped all the holidays. If you want, they'll take place in the next book I'm planning on making for the series, "The Cat's Kittens!". If you want that story, vote for this chapter!) A few days until the end of July, I went to Harper with a smile. 

"I think I know a special boy who's turning twelve years old in a few days!" I said excitedly. Harper smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Can't wait." He said. That's when I knew something was wrong. Harper was always so cheerful. Why would he be so sad now? 

"Harper? Is anything wrong honey?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Nah, I'm just tired." He said. Then he wandered upstairs. I watched him leave, confused on why he was so sad. Then the doorbell rang. I went to the door and found a package labeled "For: Harper". I picked it up and brought it into the kitchen, where I used a kitchen knife to cut into it. When I opened the package, there was a whole load of comic books! Wolverine, Iron Man, Captain America, a whole bunch of superhero comics. And not just any superheroes. All of Harper's favourites! I could tell by the packaging that these were older comics, the kind you collect. At the bottom of the box, I found a card. It had a picture of a donkey on with a yellow background. It read "I'd sing to you.." then I opened it and it read on the inside. "but I'm a little hoarse!" I chuckled at the joke. Then I read who signed it.

"Sorry I haven't been the best parent to ya champ. But I'm going to try and make it up to you. I'm supposed to be a dad, but at this rate, I might as well not exist. But I will get better. I promise. Love, Dad. AKA: Ryan Henderson." Ryan Henderson!? HTT!? I dropped the card out of surprise just as Stampy walked in. He came over and put his arm around me.

"Hey." he said. "Who sent us a package?" He picked up the card and read it. He sighed and set it down, then pulled me into a hug. "Willow?" I just buried my face into his shoulder.

"I want to believe him, but its so hard to trust him. After everything he's done..." I broke into sobs, shaking as I cried. He held me close.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered. And That's how we were for next hour.

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