Jake and My Parents

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"Willow dear, aren't you going to allow us into the house. Do you know how long it took us to find you? I found you on Facebook, but there wasn't a street name." I got out of my trance and stepped back.

"Of course, come in, mom, dad." I said. They walked in and looked at the house, the girls watching from where they were standing with their dresses on. My mom and dad looked at them strangely.

"Well, I see that there's some sort of party going on." Dad remarked smartly. Squaishy smiled as she walked over.

"Hi, my name is Beth. You must be Willow and Jake's parents." she said politely, holding out her hand to shake. Mom and Dad shook her hand approvingly.
"Well it's very nice to meet you Beth." That's when I saw the boys pull in.

"Um, Mom, Dad, I'll be right back, I have to go check on something outside. Sarah, can you hold Bella? And get out of your dress really fast." I handed Bella to Amy and she ran to the bathroom. The others ran into my bedroom. I ran outside to where the boys were getting their boxes with their suits in them out. Jake saw my face and came running over.

"Hey, Willow. Are you alright? Who's car is that?"

"That car in my driveway, is our Mother and Father's! They are in my house with my daughter and my friends who are all prancing around in their dresses like princesses! With tissue paper all over the floor and dirty dishes in the sink!" Jake's eyes widened. He wasn't our parents favourite child either.

"What!? How'd they find this place!? More importantly, why did Aunt Sonya say they died in that car accident?" he asked. 

"I don't know!" I shouted, exasperated. "The point is, they're here and I need you!" That's when Stampy came over with Ben.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking concerned. I snatched Ben from his arms.

"Our dead parents are here and we are so not prepared! Please just go along with what they say and do anything that you would do at a fancy party!" I ordered him. Jake was going the other guys the same instructions. Then I went back in, thanking myself that I hadn't put my dress on. I walked in to the other girls picking up the tissue paper and arranging it correctly in the boxes while Amy got my parents something to drink and the younger girls, Rachel, Holly, Coco Ball, and Baby Ball, played with Bella on the floor. When they saw me, they smiled.

"Well, we knew you had a daughter, but we would have never guessed you had a son that you kept outside." My mother said. I laughed.

"Oh mom, I don't keep him outside. The boys were out picking something up for me and they neede help so I brought Ben inside." As soon as I said that, I immediately regretted it. My parents hated nicknames. We'd given Ben and Bella proper names, not just Ben and Bella. Ben was Bejamin and Bella was Isabella. My mother didn't seen to notice as she came over and took Ben from me.

"Oh he's adorable!  And he looks very much like his mother!" She cooed. Ben didn't seem quite sure what to make of this woman. That was when Stampy came through and opened the screen door while Harper, Jake, and the rest of the men came in with their boxes. 

"Alright men, you know the drill. Take the boxes upstairs and set them in Willow and I's room. There should be a sharpie left on the nightstand. Just label your boxes with that." Stampy said. When my father saw Harper and Squish Ball, he frowned.

"Just how many children do you have?" He asked me. 

"Just three. Benjamin, Isabella, and Harper. Benjamin and Isabella are twins." I told him. (I'm making up names for Finball's kids and Wonderwall, because I couldn't find their real names) "Abigail Chloe, and Roy are Braiden and Lily's three while Rachel and Holly are Staci and Michael's two. Joseph is my husband." Mom and Dad looked really surprised to hear that last part. They looked at Stampy as he shut the door behind Squid then went over and picked Bella off the ground and spun her around. Then he saw my parents and came over, one arm holding Bella, the other extended for a handshake. 

"You must be Mr and Mrs. Anderson. My name is Joseph." He said just as politely as Squaishy. My parents shook his hand, sniffing disdainfully.

"Nice to meet you Joseph. We're very sorry we didn't get to meet you sooner, but we weren't notified that our daughter had gotten married." my mother said, giving me an annoyed look.

"Yeah, well, we thought that you were dead." I said. she waved her hands dismissing the thought.

"Your Aunt Sonya was just a bit tipsy, is all. But we are alive and happy to see our daughter is happily married with three beautiful children." Then she made a face. "They are all in wedlock, aren't they?"  I smiled a pulled Harper closer to me, putting my hand on his shoulder and the other  bringing Stampy close. 

"Of course they are mom. Aren't they dear?" I asked through gritted teeth, elbowing Stampy.

"Of course. Just one big happy family." He said. This was going to long wait.

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