can two meet the eye (jackson's fanfiction)

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I grew up in a small town in California, i was always fan a sizing about  Michael Jackson fan i just loved his music. and him, he inspired me I even learned how to do the moon walk I had talent to i could sing. I would sing his songs everyday all my friends thought I was crazy  I went to tons of his concerts and i got autographs I was brought up to listening to him by the way I'm Avery smith I'm 20.

I got ready for work I put my work clothes on and went to my car I drove to work I walked in my boss was sitting at my desk OH SHIT!. I quickly went over towards her she had papers in her hand she didn't look to pissed off so I went at my desk.

"hello Denise" kinda scared

"hello, I have a new mission for you i know your a huge fan of Michael Jackson, well his sister Janet is coming for our research and I want you to show her around and your also going to help her with it. do you think you can do it??"

I was shocked my mouth was open but words didn't come out i was surprised i had to think of words.

"OMG of course I'll do that, I'll make sure everything goes well too thank you so much"

"your welcome and you better not screw this up, or your job will be on the line"

 I was so excited I just couldn't breathe I thought I was dying I had to calm down. I just acted cool then I seen Denise again she looked worried.

"Get ready now she's coming, I thought it was next week but its today"

"WHAT, NOW I'm not even ready"Iwas pissed

Iran down the hall and put on a black dress with heels I had to quickly put curls in my hair and put makeup on finally was ready. she was coming right through the door there were body guards everywhere she walked in.

she shook hands with Denise then Denise introduce her to me.

"Ok Janet this is Avery Smith this is the girl that is gonna be working with you on this project"

"hi, Janet its a pleasure to meet you"

"hello, and you to i just love your dress, but hunny your full bra is coming out "

I looked at the mirror and my bra just popped out I was so embarrassed Denise looked at me with evil eyes. I went to the bathroom and fixed it.

"sorry about that um should we get started Janet?"

"sure thing sweetie"

we sat down at the back of the room and talked about the designs and ideas for the outfits.

"so, what color dress would you like" I asked

"how about like um a wine color like a lighter color would that be OK"

"yeah sure, i'll go get the dress tomrrow and we work on it again and here's my number if you have any ideas or need anything"

she walked away and finally i could go home I went home and got in the nice hot bath. I was in there for about an hour I got out and I felt so soggy I finally got all dried off i went to my room. and put my warm jammies on I went on my phone for bit I clicked on my TV. and started to watch cartoons.

I watched until I fell asleep, I woke up again my phone was ringing I quickly tried to find it and I fell on the floor I found it and picked it up.


Janet- hi, this is Janet I wondering if we could get heels with that dress and is it OK if you come to my house tomorrow?

Me-yeah sure, ill be over early so i can get things for it

Janet- OK bye now

Me- Bye

Jesus why did she have to call now, i was enjoying my sleep, I tried to go back to sleep but i couldn't I went down stairs and made some popcorn Iwent back up and went to sleep, thank god i did because i had to get up early.


i hope you like it i am a big Michael Jackson fan





Can Two Meet The Eye {Jackson's FanFiction} EditingWhere stories live. Discover now