chapter 15- news/8months left

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i woke up and started to talk to Janet she came back from Cuba i was telling her about the house she thought it was a good idea but the only person i was scared of was Katherine or Joe. i wanted Michael to tell them so i waited for him to wake up. so they wouldn't really be mad at me

i kept rubbing my stomach please don't come now i said to myself finally Michael came running down the stairs Katherine came behind him with a rolling pin i was guessing he told her the news. Michael ran for the life with him i went where they were.

"MOTHER, put it down" Janet said walking in

she still had it in her hand up with the rolling pin i took it away from her, then i stood up for a while then my water broke.

"Nice joke again Avery" Latoya said

"um, this is not a joke my water broke" i said freaking out

"what" everyone said at once

Michael picked me up and ran me to the car everyone followed we rushed there i tried not to push, but i was yelling allot

"your going to be OK" Latoya said with her kind voice


Latoya jumped she got scared which made me laugh, but there was no time for laughing these things were coming out, we got there i didn't even have names for them what kind of mother was i. i felt horriable but i thought of names i loved. i got in the hospital i was all gross and sweaty. they got me to my room i was flipping out i started to push.


couple hours later

they were out, finally they were 5 minutes apart my son came out first he looked exactly like Michael his name is Luke Michael Joesph Jackson then my baby girl came her name is gracelyn Marie Katherine Jackson. i was happy i had my babies out they both cried i smiled

it was amazing feeling i had i held them for the first time i kissed them and kissed them, finally i passed them along everyone cried Michael came over and kissed me. he smiled i was so tired now i ended up falling asleep

i woke up and everyone was there with Starbucks Joe passed me my coffee, my babies were in the next room i looked around everyone was crying.

'How you feeling baby" Katherine asked

"fine, I'm just kind of sore" i said

i tried getting up but i was just to weak, Janet got me a glass of water

"THANKS" i said

i took a sip of it and lay'd it down on the table, the nurse came in she brought me in some food i was just shocked how they a month Earlie and still really healthy they were huge little babies. i got the chance to walk down the hallway to see them i slowly got there Michael was already there holding them both before i walked in i heard him singing to them. i smiled i finally walked in Michael turned around he passed me Gracelyn.

i sat down with her, they had the cutest little shirts on(you can see them over there)>>>>

the best moment was feeding them and be able to hold them, love them to death i started to cry this has to be the most emotional thing ever, i passed Gracelyn to Michael i held Luke in my arms he was going to be protective over his little sister. he had a big grip for a little baby. the family walked in now more tears were dripping off of me now.

everyone came by us the each took turns feeding them, the nurse took me to my room to get washed up because today i got to go home, but for now i had an idea i think we should stay with Katherine and them for abit because were going to need alot of help with these babies and i know we will get alot of help.

Kathy came in running down the hall she finally came back she went in were the twins where and held both of them. i got washed up and put on a pair of leggings and a blouse top on, i walked down the hall i was nw strong enough to walk on my own. i put on there little hats and shoes on i put them in there car seats and we headed off to the house. i needed to tell michael about the idea i had so i decided to text him.

Me-Michael i had an idea maybe we should stay at your parents house for while so they can help us with the twins

Katherine-that sounds good but you texted the wrong personLOL

Me-haha, well could you tellhim that for me

Katherine- will do

we got there i took the babie and put them in our room i had the beds and the other side all done for them i layed them down i layed on the bed, and went to sleeep


This Was A Cute Chapter i hoped you like it





Can Two Meet The Eye {Jackson's FanFiction} EditingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora