chapter 26-Truth Comes Out

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i woke up i was turned to see Michael sleeping like a baby, i quickly ran over to the bathroom i looked in the mirror i heard a noise coming from the room i ran to the door and looked over no one was there i walked back to the bed i heard a laugh i got up and looked in the crib wow they were actually there i picked them up and sat them up on the bed.

"go wake up daddy Luke and Gracelyn" i said

they crawled over 'Dada, dwaddy" they yelled

"dwaddy" Gracelyn slapped him

*Slap *slap

Michael wakes up with a look then he smiles i gave him a look back he rolls over and falls back to sleep.

"MICHAEL" i scream

"WHAT!?" he shout back

"wake up with them, i want to take them to the beach later" i said

"why do i have to go? can't my sisters or brothers or mother go?" he asked

"yes they can go but i want you to come to please Michael" i begged

he ignored me i decided to go down stairs and get Janet and them i sat the babies on the floor they started to crawl away i watched them it was funny gracelyn kept rolling around like a Rollie pollie.

"JAN, TOY ,REB, KAT" i screamed

they all came in with looks on i looked at them i sat on the couch and started to explain

"will you all come to the beach with me" i asked

"why?, we have a pool back there so you can swim in" Janet said

"no i wanna take the kids there so they know what its like at the beach and Michael wont come with me so i thought use might wanna come with me?" i giggled

"MY Michael wont come with you?"Katherine said

she walked up the stairs i took put my phone and ran up the stairs with them they all ran up there phones ready to go i tapped the whole thing. Katherine got up and pulled on his ear

"MICHAEL JOESPH JACKSON WAKE UP NOW" she started pulling on his ear

"MOTHER!, STOP" he pleaded

"you are going to the beach with us as a family and you will be spending the day with us at the beach so i would get dressed or i will do worse then pull your ear" Katherine said with attitude

he got up and ran to the bathroom with his clothes went went down and i got the babies ready after that they ran off and started to play i went and got ready to finally i was done and so was everyone else, Michael finally came down he wasn't dressed for the beach he was dressed for the studio.

"Sorry Family but i have to go to the studio they found a new song for me and they want me to listen to it so ill meet you there later" he said running

i watched him run out the door i had an angry face on he was really getting me mad there was no need for him to do that, he made up lies so he wouldn't want to be near his family.

i grabbed the kids and put them in their booster seats and i got in the limo with them and we headed to the beach.

"Why would Michael Make Up Lie Like that for?" i asked

"maybe it wasn't't a lie he is MJ" Latoya said

"yeah but he didn't even want to go to the beach in the first place" Rebbie said

i sat quiet finally we came to the beach we ran out the babies went running down and started to play in the sand i sat down and got a tan Latoya and Janet sat next to me while Rebbie and Katherine sat and build sand castles with the twins.

"so hows everything Ave?" Janet asked

"just so tired and sore i need a break from all this i actually want to spend time with Michael and not be around camera's and crazy fans and all this Bull SHIT" i laughed

"yeah i understand what your trying to say, i know how it feels i hate those flashing lights in your face and them screaming out your  name i feel like saying shut up" Janet said

"yeah, and you have to wear all those fake things and you just want to wear the things you feel convertable in"Latoya said.

i got up and looked over i ran over to Luke and Grace i helped build sand castles with them.

LUKE!, don't eat sand buddy" i said

he looked a t me with a mad grin

"moma, dada" Gracelyn said looking for her father

'daddy is gone to the studio he said he will be here" i said again

finally we all went in the water we all had fun, i loved spending time with the girls and my baby boy he was the only boy, what a ladies man.

the babies got out and me and janet stayed in for a while.

"so when you and Michael broke up what did you do with the ring" she asked

"i kept them im actually wearing it now" i laughed

"awwh, here's Michael" she said

i looked upi seen him kissing the babies and talking to his sisters then finally he came in the water with us, he swam to me and oicked me up'Michael" i screamed

"yes?" he chuckled

"don't" i said

he came up and kissed me i wrapped my legs around him i loved him truly but he pissed me off so much finally he gave me a look, i was so scared.



he threw me in the water, i went under i opened my eyes and got underneath and pants him then all of a sudden you see his shorts floating away.

"Avery" he laughed

Janet went and grabbed his shorts for him she handed him them and we started to swim again

"now you two there is no need for that a t the beach because i know you did that a t the tree house" Janet said

"OMG, how did you find out about that" i felt embarrassed

'AHAA i found things up there when i was cleaning for the twins" she said

we got out of the water and got dried off Luke and Gracelyn were falling asleep so Rebbie and Katherine brought them to the limo Janet stayed to clean up me and michael we standing by the shore the sun set was going down and i felt in love  he grabbed me we started to kiss it felt Magicial.

"Look at the love birds" Jan said

we walked to the limo holding hands Janet was just behind us we got in the limo i layed on Michael he kept playing with my hair i put my hand on his chest and i fell asleep.


AWWH, i tried to make this cute but i don't know if i did a good job but in my opinion i never do a good job so i j=hope you liked this chapter






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