chapter 19-broken hearts

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i knew it wasn't right to slam doors in people faces, but he had to realize i wasn't that easy crawling back to people i walked towards the table again Latoya wasn't back yet. what the hell was she doing? and Janet never came back yet, why was stuff happening to me for finally Latoya came in she looked at me and Kathy she knew something was up.

"what's going on Avery?" she asked

i looked but i didn't say a word i was to angry to say anything Kathy looked at her then me, i took my phone and put it on the table and walked away i walked outside of course he was still out there, i walked away even more my blood was boiling and my tears were  uncontrollable, i went outt o find Janet in the babies.


why was everyone upset jeez i missed everything i looked at Kathy

"what was going on here?"

"Avery and Michael got in a fight then Michael came over here and told him about the Pain Killers, so she walked out to look for Janet i think? so i just sat here" Kathy said

i walked out side for a minute Michael i was still there on the ground he did look so good i sat next to him with a disappointed look, so i decided to let him in the House.

of course Avery and Janet walked in Michael went towards her i just looked at him hoping he wouldn't do anything bad to her.


"i let him in for a second" i said


we walked out but Michael stayed there for a minute and looked at her with evil eyes,"come on Michael" i said

"YOU'RE A BITCH" he said then left

we went out and back to hayvenhurst where it was better Kathy looked scared a little bit but that was rude to kick us out.


i paced back and forth i was pissed she knew better what an idiot who does that like come on, i walked over to the fridge and got the baby milk and fed them it was all quite, no one said a word my eyes were filling up with tears i tried to hid it i passed Luke to Janet and ran to my room. i couldn't hold my tears any more i sat there in cried.

why was it even worth living in a hell hole i just wish everything would stop i took off my ring and threw it, it was useful to me i didn't want anything to do with him i just Lay there balling my eyes out what a fool i was, just  DAMN FOOL.

i walked back out with Janet, it killed me that the Luke looked like Michael and also his sister was there which made me want Michael back more i just wish he would get help first.

"How You Feeling Avery?" Janet asked

"Not so good i miss him so much but when i think of him my blood boils then I'm just left crying my eyes out and i don't want to cry all the time why can't he just get help, and the hardest part was going back to get my things." i said

"well do you want to go back i'll make sure they don't say anything hun" she said

"sure" i said

we went back to hayven Hurst my nerves were going crazy, i didn't really want to go  back and cause more drama but i guess i needed fresh clothes, we walked in Janet walked in i was behind her with the twins, everyone just looked i was now scared.

"Janet what is she doing here?" Michael asked

"Just let her get her clothes, and things" She said

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