chapter 10-Janet..

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 i looked at Omarosa she had bullshitting tears well fake tears she was complaining about me which pissed me more off, she was trying to get me fired but that wasn't happening today.

"Avery is just trying and trying to get me fired"


everyone looked there jaws broke open, i wasn't shocked.

"Latoya what did you think about Avery?"

"what do i think well first of all i think Omarosa is a liar and needs to stop shes only saying this to her so you can fire Avery"

"Joan, do you think Latoya is stating the truth statement?"

"yes Latoya is right Omarosa is  a liar all she knows how to do is a be a television villain and a liar"

we got out of the bored room none of our team got fired, thank god but now i just wanted to get off of celebrity apprentice i wanted Michael right now and tell him how much i love him

finally we taped all the of the show we got to go home, i was excited to go home and see michael i just wish the plane went faster, finally we got home i was so tired i lay down on the couch i fell asleep for a while then when i woke up i felt sick to my stomach so i decided to get some food

which made it worse i ran to the bathroom and puked why was i sick all of a sudden i sat there i felt my stomach it was hurting, then i checked the calendar i was late i had thoughts going through my head no this couldn't be happening to me now.

i walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch almost in tears, no it probley come tomorrow i lay there for a while then i seen michael walk out the front door i ran for the life of me and hugged and kissed him, he looked super happy and i was super happy we just stood there for like 5 minutes hugginh but that didn't really last long because everyone else came running over

katherine pushed everyone out of the way she looked at me then him she was so short when she huged him.

"sorry everyone but this is my BABY BOY, he needs some love by his mother"

Janet came in she had a pain look on her face i watched her as she bent over almost in tears.

"are you okay janet??" i asked

"Yeah sort of i just got a bit of a pain in my gut i'm sure i will be fine" she said.

i couldn't bare watch her in this kind of pain... i called to Michael he looked at her we called the ambulance.

she got to the hospital i walked in the room with her she looked at me i had a feeling something was up but i wasn't quite sure. i watched her cry it broke me to see her like that. the doctor came in and looked at her she looked at me and her the words that came out of the doctors mouth were a shocker...she cried even more now she couldn't be..

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