chapter 24- lucky chances

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they walked out of the house i needed to get fresh air i was getting really tired of this, like seriously i should know who i love or not and that night was a mistake the devil was in me that night i wasn't even me trust me if it was i would of told him to get the fuck, that's the truth i would of i wasn't proud of what i did.

Michael walked out fully dressed he looked at me with a smile, i just looked i was not going to talk to him until i got it all figured out with his family. I walked outside Janet was looking over the edge her face was all red was she crying?

"Are you okay Janet?'

"No, what happened that night' she asked

"He came to my door i think he was drunk or something then he walks in and starts kissing me and i think you know the rest' i giggled.

"Yeah i know sorry for freaking out on you i just didn't really get it at first and you lied to me about it , and it wasn't a pretty sight when i seen my brother bare naked in a closet" she said

'I'm sorry about that to Janet I just couldn't' handle what was going to happen"

'can I ask you something?"

"yes?' I said

"do you love Michael?"

I looked at her what was I supposed to say I was so confused because I wasn't' to sure if I did or not it was an awkward silence for a while then finally i said something

"I have no clue if I do but in my heart I do but honestly I can't answer"

Michael walked out it was silence for about we looked at each other but didn't talk I had a lot going on and I couldn't handle it anymore I walked away I picked up the babies and passed them to Michael

"here I'm giving you a chance, take this chance'

he looked at me with a very strange look

"your trusting me?" he said

"no not at all here take the chance and take care of them bring them back in 2days I will be watching all of use,

they walked away how was I trusting him right him anyway I had a lot of things bothering me and I needed them out of my mind I hated lying to Janet but I did :0. the thing was I really do love him and I can't seem to let him go I down,'t have the nerve to tell him my feelings. the only thing I didn't like him doing was his drugs.

I picked up my phone and played the voicemail of him talking and singing to me, I listened to them it made me cry then at the one of them he said 'I love you Avery' I broke down in tears I miss him I missed when he layed next to me and cuddled to me when I was scared now I don't have that.

I got up and started to clean the house.


I sat next to the babies and watched them roll around on the ground I missed Avery so much that's what was on my mind the whole time I couldn't focus I walked to the bathroom I opened the cabinets and took out the pain killers then I stopped myself I put them back Avery was right I needed to grow up and stop taking drugs. I walked out Latoya and Kathy stood there with grins on there faces.

"I'm proud of you" Latoya said

"what are you talking about?" I asked

" you didn't take the painkillers'

"how do you know?

they walked away and started to play with gracelyn and Luke I walked out if the hall way and started to wonder down the street I was going to Avery house I walked by 3 times the finally had the nerves to knock on her door

she open the door and let me in I walked in she had been cleaning because I could smell the freshness I sat down she sat next to me

"we need to talk' she said

'yeah we do"I said

"I know I told everyone I hate you And I don't I love you and I miss you so much I can't stop thinking about you I know I been a dick and all that but I can't stop loving you could you take me back?'

"you know I would but I have to make sure your off the pain killers:)'

"well to let you know I stopped myself today from doing that" I said

' I'm proud mike I want to say do love you and think about and I cry every night because I want to take you back'

I leaned in for a kiss she kissed me back I got. loser we started making out the pulled away and looked "maybe I should take you back she said

"I love you" I said

, I love you more Jackson

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