chapter 21- give love a chance

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he looked at me while he was on the cold old bed, He looked surprised i couldn't leave him there even though i couldn't stand him it was my fault why he was in here the first place. i got closer he got up and walked towards me we kept eye contact.

"what are you doing here Avery?" he said worried

"i came to get you out" i said

"you shouldn't do that, the way i was being to you i don't deserve that Avery" he said

"well i'am" i said again i called over the guard he came over and let him out. i walked by him the whole time it felt super strange we all went back to the house, we got in the limo i sat next to Latoya while janet held the babies in their car seat right across from me was Michael. my phone went off i took it out of my pocket, i looked at it it was Michael

Michael- why did you do that for me i thought you hated me?

Me- oh, buddy i do hate you, but i don't want to see you in jail

Michael- well thanks for being honest to me though,oh well what will it take to make you take me back?

Me- you really want to know Michael, well get some help with your damn addiction

Michael- is that all?

Me- yes

we stopped texting for a while i was so mad at him seriously why would he ask me this i told him a billion time goddamn it! i was mad.

i got out of limo and stormed in the house i went in the living room, Michael followed me in there.


"NOTHING, can we talk?"

"About what tell me Michael what?"


"IF you loved me so much you wouldn't do what you did" i said mad

"im sorry" he leaned in for a kiss

"A no, don't try again you think you can say sorry and and try to kiss me after that yeah you got another thing coming, im not like that ITS DISRESPECTFUL, and i am not kissing a Liar and another thing your rude okay and maybe i'l would trust you if you should a father ifgure to those kids but no you have to waste you money on filthy DRUGS, BYE MICHAEL"

i walked away i stormed out the door there was no need for that thought came but i tryed to bury them away if he wanted me to love him he better change his ways before i ever get back to him. and he knows it i think the drugs had effected him damn brain.

my phone kept going off finally i checked it, it was twitter latoya was spamming me i wasn't in the mood to tweet back so i didn't, but i didn't want to be rude so i did

@OfficialLatoyaJackson @Avery1234 Where are you you need to come back for the babies

@officialLatoyaJackson @Avery1234 i will soon i need to clear my head text me later

i walked around a for abit i finally did come back to the house i went in looked around got janet and Rebbie and kathy, Latoya and Katherine i was taking them out for lunch we so needed to talk about michael.

:so you ladie are probably wondering why i brought you here well we need to talk"

"about what?" Kathy asked

"michael, im telling you all now im not going back out with him until he gets better" i said

"so you going to act like a little skinny white bitch because my brother makes one mistake and a stupid thing your freaking out at him" REBBIE SAID

"no, but you might want to keep your mouth shut" i said back


i was tired so this is random things i never slept for awhile





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