chapter8- FIRED

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i fianlly went back to work i walked in, Denise was there witha grin on her face janet walked in behind me latoya came with the dress, she held it i passed in to her she looked at with a look that i didn't like she brought me into her office i waked in sat down the pink weird chair

"i like this dress, but what happend to you?"

"thanks but nothing happend to me" i said

"why weren't you here for awhile"

"well you did tell me to work with a celebrity and there pretty busy and we had to work on this dress"

"yeah but you could of showed up" she said

"im not taking this from you ok you put me up to this stupid assignment" i ran off



i stormed out i went to the limo i had tears coming but i was to angery to feel myself cry everyone came runniing out, to see what was wrong

"well guess what im FIRED" i said mad

"what a BITCH" Latoya said

what was i going to do no job no nothing my life was going down i felt right in the dumps the girls took me to starbucks then to a movie it still didn't make me happy all i wanted was Michael. i looked out of the window his face was everywhere i cried, i just wanted to go to bed at this moment when we got there i ran to my room everyone stared at me.

i went up and cried into my pillow what a night this is i fucking hate everything, why did it have to happen to me, i feel like everyone is against me, Rebbie went into my room with another coffee

"whats wrong"

" NOTHING" i said i didn;t me to shout at her

she layed the coffee next to me she sat next to me while everyone else came in, even Marlon did. they all looked at me i just wanted to tell them to all go but i didn't want to be rude.

i got up, i looked at them 'can i please, be alone for a while?"

"yeah" they all said

i got up and brushed my hair and got all cleaned up i layed on my bed for a while i was texting michael he texted back once, thats all he must be busy, i started to sing then crying, i put my head phones in and listened to scream, i started to laugh how janet acted it kinda made me happy

i put down my ipad and picked up my iphone and listened to music on there i finally fell asleep

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