chapter 25- first everythings

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i woke up to the sound of ED sheeran singing on my radio, i turned it off and looked over at the crib there was no kids in there i ran down stairs and seen them walking and attacking each other they were the cutest things in the world i watched Kathy and Janet play with them Michael came down behind me he wrapped  his hands behind me i looked up he kissed me i smiled i wasn't sure if this was right but it seemed that he was off of them i got up from the stairs and ran down my babies were one today

'Happy birthday Luke and Gracelyn" i said

"so what kind of theme should we do for them?" Janet asked

"well i was think like a prince and a princess theme for them so it will be the same theme but boy and girl kind of''i giggled

"oh that will be so cute" Kathy said

i walked into the kitchen grabbed a bottle of water and thought about more ideas i was so stressed out i sat at the table with my head down Katherine and Joe came out.

"Whats wrong Avery" Joe asked

"i'm so stressed out, and i need help with this party" i said

"we will help did you forget you don't have to make your own decorations we got people to do that for us" Katherine said

"ha ha, thanks that would mean alot for me" i hugged her

i stayed in the kitchen for a while then all i hear is Kathy and Janet screaming

"Someone Pooped their pants" Janet screamed

"ahhh, Luke Peed allover me" Kathy screamed

i ran out and there was mess every wheres i looked at all of them Luke and Gracelyn were just laughing their little heads off, i picked them up and got them changed up Kathy and Janet got up and changed there outfits i brought them back out and gave them back to them finally Latoya came down i was surprised she just woke up.

Latoya walked down the stairs she looked really sad it didn't even look like Latoya Jackson she walked out in the kitchen it looked like she was crying i walked in behind her i sat next to her to see what was wrong, i kept looking at her.

"whats arong Latoya?" i asked

"nothing i want to be alone" she said

"okay if you want to talk i will be there for yah" i was worried

she just looked she turned her head she got up from her chair and headed outside, i watched her leave she slammed the door i was shocked i never seen her so mad before Kathy came from behind me and looked at me.

"you okay sweetie" she asked

"yeah, but i don't think My Little ToyTOY is" i laughed

"Oh, where is she?" Kathy asked

"she left she seems so upset over something im really worried about her" i said again

Kathy got up and walked outside i followed her because i really wanted to know what was wrong with Toy Kathy went and found her in the back yard she was crying alot now what was bothering her so much now, we walked over and sat next to her.

"please tell me whats wrong Toy"

;"no" she cried

"i'll just tell you after the birthday party okay" she said again

she pushed us away we left and started the party everyone was there we ate and ate and opened the gifts after all of that Michael put the babies to bed and Me and Kathy went out to looked for Latoya she was no wheres to be.



finally she came down still crying she whiped her tears off she sat on the couch and looked at us she kept a good eye contact with both of us.

"what wrong girl?" i asked

"its Michael, i over heard him talking and its bothering me what he said"

"What was it?" Kathy asked

"he said...... someone was going to kill him" she said

"no, Latoya you must of heard wrong maybe he was talking about songs or something hes Michael freaking Jackson no one would want to kill him." i said

"yeah seriously Michael is loved in many ways I'm sure no one will kill him" Kathy said

"yeah i guess your right why am i so worried about" Latoya said

we walked in the house Michael was sitting there eating cake i sat on his lap and started to eat cake with him, he looked at me all i could think was Latoya's story but i wasn't going to think about that right now. i smiled at him he smiled back i really realized there was alot of smiling in this house

"HEY Avery" Michael yelled

i walked over'Yes" i said

he grabbed a piece of icing and threw it in my face, i looked at him i whipped my face and threw it back we had a cake war for about 20 minutes then i decided to wash up i went up stairs and went in the bath i had alot on my mind, i layed my head down and  looked at the ceiling i drifted off to sleep

*Avery's Dream*

"Latoya where is Michael" i asked

'i don't know, he went out with Janet" toy said

i walked out on the front yard and went out for a run i came back and everyone was crying;"what's going on" i asked

"He he he is dead" Janet cried


I woke up from my horrible short dream i had to catch my breathe i got out and put on my pajamas i looked in the mirror 'Everything is going to be Okay Avery' i said to my self i got dressed and layed down on my bed and watched tv for abit Michael came in with Luke and Gracelyn they were both asleep in his arms i smiled and turned my head.

Michael crawled in to bed and wrapped his arms around me i turned over to face him i had a look on my face he had noticed it.

"whats arong BBG" he asked

"Nothing. i'm worried about Latoya" i said


"she thinks someone is going to kill you" i laughed nervously

"WHAT?, thats crazy i wouldn't  say that i don't know where she heard that but Avery you don't have to worry i will be with you here forever" he smiled

he closed his eyes he was right i shouldn't worry i smiled back and closed my eyes i was so tired

"i love you MJ" i said

"i love you AJ" he laughed

"AJ?" i was confused

"Avery Jackson" he laughed

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