chapter 28- the end of my life

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i couldn't sleep at all that night i got up and walked down stairs and sat at the table and cried i felt so alone and staying at this house was making it worse it made me think of Michael i went on my phone and called Michael phone i let it ring and ring until it went to his voice mail i wanted to hear his voice over and over again, i cried even more Latoya came down she ran over to me, she looked at me and gave me a hug, i wanted everything to end

"its going to be okay hunny" Latoya said

how could she say that i looked up at her i could tell she was crying to her face was all red and puffy looking i got up and hugged her tight right now she made me feel better i was freaking out we went back to my room thank god all the girls were still there. i got up and went to the bathroom i just wanted my pain to end i sat at the edge of the tub and cut myself i got up and the door opened there was Janet and Latoya i was caught.

"What Are You Doing Avery" Janet screamed

"LEAVE ME ALONE" i screamed

i sat on the floor my hand full of blood i wrapped a  towel over it, i couldn't let Katherine know i did this i fell to the floor and cried what a night it was i didn't want to go to the hospital it stopped bleeding and i was in Janet's arms she was crying now to she put me in my bed they had to watch me now. i couldn't sleep i eventually did

next morning i woke up i was in so much pain my arms were killing me lucky they weren't to big i wore a long sleeve and shorts i picked up my babies and played with them for a while then i had to stop i wasn't in the mood to do anything Kathy and Latoya took them for the whole day, it haunted me that Michael was gone for good.

i needed a break but i was so depressed i couldn't move i couldn't eat or anything i just layed around like a sloth, Kathy and Janet looked at me with a very strange look i just wanted to be alone and i knew she was going to say i need help but i don't need it like seriously it was bullshit i only cut one time the first time ever and im getting hated on well not really hated on but it feels like that.

"why won't you just get help Avery?"Janet asked

"Because i don't need it, i'm not fucking crazy okay i needed something to release my stress and right now your not helping me"I said

i walked away i went up and grabbed my babies and walked out the door

"AVERY" Janet screamed

Janet's Pov

i watched her walk out with the kiddies it broke my heart seeing that Latoya and Kathy walks in i'm just there crying looking at the door.

"what did you do?" Latoya screamed at me

"i told her she needed help because she cut, and i think people need help for that" i said

"yes, she does but you don't keep telling her that see what you did you made her leave" Latoya said

"i only told her the truth"

"WHO said it was up to you to tell someone that they needed help she was only trying to find a stress relief i know it wasn't a good one but you don't tell her that's she crazy or anything have more respect" Latoya screamed

she walked out the door with Kathy, i stood there feeling right bad what i had done to her why did i do that i understand hows she is feeling  but she also dosn't need to cut i understood now how she felt about everything, i decided to go and say sorry to her she did deserve it but i felt i had to say what was on my mind Latoya just stood there she looked really mad but i don't know why she cared so much

"i think you should appoligze to her"Kathy said

i looked at both of them wow Kathy pulled a bitch move there but she was right so i decided to drive down to Avery's house i knocked 3 times and finally she answered she gave me a look like 'what do you want'

"Are You here to judge me more?"she asked

"no i'm here to say sorry, so sorry Avery" i said

"yeah, well im busy so could you text me or call or just come back later i just want to be alone" she said once again

"yeah sure" i said

i walked away i got in my car she still had the door open i watched her finally she closed the door and i drove off i could tell Avery was crying i drove really fast on the high way i picked up my phone and started to call Latoya i looked up nothing was coming 'hurry up Latoya answer' i kept talking to my self i droped my phone i tryed to go and pick it up but i couldn't reach it. i looked up and there was a car heading my way i tryed to pull away but the car wouldn't nudge all my stress was buliding up. of course this car accident had to happen lucky noone was hurt.

i got out of the car the cops were there i had a cut on my head and i was stumbling around i went out to see who was in the car i heard a familiar voice freaking out i walked over and seen my sister freaking out she walked over to me and looked at me.

"you hit my car?" she screamed

:yeah i was trying to call you" i said


she didn't even care if i was okay it was just because i hit her car pretty much it was here fault now this brought more stress in my life i felt like just crying Latoya kept getting closer to me i thought she was going to choke me off but she calmed her self we got all checked up then we had to go home we walked in Mother looked at us with very strange looks

"what happend to you two?" she asked

"we both got in a car accident" Latoya said

"both, are you okay"

"yeah we hit each other" i giggled

mother gave us a weird look then she carried on what she was doing i walked up the stairs i was so sore i put on my pjs and fell asleep.



2 CHAPTERS LEFT..............

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