chapter 16-no pain no game

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i had the longest sleep ever  i forgot about the babies last night i ran over to there cribs they were gone then i knew then one of the Jackson's kidnapped my children i went down and there were my babies in Kathy's hands and Latoya's hands they were the only one's in the house right now. i went down and sat by Kathy and Latoya.

"So did you two take care of Luke and Gracelyn last night?"

"Janet and i did Kathy just got here" Latoya said

"oh, well were's everyone at?" i asked annoyed

"Michael is at the new house and mother is gone with him and Janet is with Tito"

i went on my phone and took pictures of  the babies and the girls

"want anything to drink girls?"

"sure" they said

i went in the kitchen and got the champagne i got the glasses and poured it in there i passed it around, then i sat down Luke started to cry i grabbed him out of her hands and gave him his bottle Gracelyn was still asleep in Latoya's arms. do you and Kathy want to go for a walk with me and Gracelyn and Luke.

"sure, why not" Kathy said

i went into the closet room and took out a pair of tights and a blue blouse with my hair in a messy bun i had sparkly sliver heels on (not the ones Latoya gave me) and i got out of the closet and walked were they were at they all changed to i got out the stroller. i put them in it and started to head out the doors we had to put disguises over us so the fans wouldn't notice us because we weren't bring the security guards with us.

we went out side and started walking around i was texting and driving a stroller around then i dropped my phone 'smash' i stopped and everyone stopped it was the loudest noise ever i picked up my phone the back and front was smashed the piece were on the ground, i heard texts sounds coming from it i felt like dying.

"oh my" Kathy said

"this is why i have a otterbox on mine"Latoya said

"This is Just Great, Great Fuck" i said angry

i picked it up and  started walking again, i looked behind me "can one of you text MIchael and tell him about my phone"

i kept walking, finally we got to the park i sat down on the bench and looked at my phone why was this happening to me now. it still worked i just couldn't see shit, i will still so mad.

"Michael is going over the house, he said he got a surprise for you"Latoya said

"oh, well we should go then"

i got up from the cold bench,and started to walk we finally got there i walked in and took out the kids and brought them in the house Michael sat there with Katherine and Joe and Janet, Michael looke nervous i just looked at him, he looked like he was high as a kite i thought it was just me but i left it be.

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