chapter 2 - latoya?

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i got up i went straight outside, i noticed a little dogie in my yard he was so cute i went over and picked him up, i looked at his collar his name was prince, i put him in my car i drove down to meet Janet, i seen a girl yelling out prince i stopped and held prince in my hands i went out and said.

"is this your dog?"

"yes, where did you find him"

"he was in my yard, um can you help me i'm looking for the Jackson house"

"oh, why are you looking for the Jackson's's house for???"

"im working with janet jackson, for my work were making an project"

the girl took off her covering off her face i didn't know what she was doing i turned around it was Latoya she smiled, "so you must be Avery.right?

"yeah how did you know?"

"janet told me all about you,she is right you are beautiful, and i'll show you the way to my aprents house"

i followed her limo, finally we got to a huge house i was in shock it was beautiful i got to the gate and ihad to say who i was i went in, i got out of the car and waited for latoya to get out of the car she walked in and i followed her katherine was in the kitchen sitting at the table.

janet came down she was wearing all black and her hair was curled she looked at me

"did you get the dress we needed?"

"SHIT! i forgot because latoya lost prince i found it and she took him and i left it on the ground what an idiot iam"

latoya came back holding up our dress.

"here it is sweetie i picked it up for you" she laughed her cute laugh

"thank you so much latoya" i hugged her

katherine came up from the table she looked at me,she smled she got closer to me

"you look like a special girl, have you met my son michael?"

"no, but im a huge fan of his though"

she slowely moved towards the living room she yelled out michael he came down the stairs he had the perfect walk he walked down he looked at me and smiled i smiled back

"michael this is Avery Smith were working togather"Janet said

 "well hello, you probaly already know who i am, but im glad i got to meet you" he said

"yeah me to"

"well Avery we should go, latoya you coming?"

"sure why not"

we got in the limo and went shopping we got rhimestones and everything girlie it was amazing living my dream we went back to the limo were going shopping all day i put headphones in my i phone i started listening to muisc

"I don't know where I belong

But I'll be moving on

If you don't....

If you won't....


To the song here in my heart

A melody I've started

But I will complete

"wow i didn't know you could sing"latoya said

"WAIT, what"

"you have a beautiful voice, can you sing a song with me Avery?" janet said

"oh shit i was singing out loud again and sure"

"don't oh shit yourself"

i neraly died laughing over her remark i didn't know she cursed

we got back to Denises office we all got out Denise was there waiting for us we brought her the dress and heels then we left i went back to katherine's house for a while

me and latoya started drinking wine michael came down he had a white shirt on with black pants he kept smileing at me latoya looked at us "i'll leave you two alone,' she walked out but i knew she wa spying on us

'hi michael" i said

"hi, so how do you like to work with janet?"

"shes fine, your family really nice"

"yes they are, i wanted to ak you this all day"


"W-W-Will you go on a date with me"

i looked on the side Janet, Latoya, Rebbie and Katherine were spying on us0

"sure michael, that would be nice"

Rebbie came out she ran towards  me and hugged me she didn't even know me but i felt loved by her anyway all of his sister came running towards me

"girl let me do your hair" laytoya laughed

"let me pick out your outfit" Janet said

"let me do your makeup girl" Rebbie said

"and i'm gonna have a talk with you YOUNG LADY i hope you know this is my son"

i laughed nervously, they all took me in the guest bedroom they did my hair and makeup and janet gave me a nice dress, the funny part was i really wanted to wear Latoya sparkly heels she took them off her feet and gave me them

"you didn't have to do that latoya"

"yes i did" she smiled

finally i was all done i looked beautiful my hair was in curls i had a red dress on and i had Latoya's shoes on finally Katherine had to speak with me

"Listen, i don't know you that well, you make sure michael takes care of you AND YOU MAKE SURE YOU TAKE CARE OF MY BABY" she got up it looked like she was preaching to the lord

she kept speaking then michael came up



"WHAT are you doing to Avery"

"mother was giving Avery a speech about taking care of her baby boy"Latoya said

"you look beautiful, and you smell like Latoya and Janet"

"thanks, but smelling like your sisters is a good thing right?" i smirked

"yes, smelling like my sisters is a good thing" he laughed

"hehehehehhehehheheh" latoya laughed


i actually like this chapter





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