Caught in the Line of Fire (Lesbian Story)

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Authors Note: Hello!!! :D I'm really excited to get started on the second book of Love, War, and Force Protocol. This is the second book so if you haven't read the first book called 'Love, War, and Force Protocol' I highly advise that you do.

This book contains GirlxGirl content and if you don't like that kind of stuff then don't read this book.

Also, comments about this book would be highly appreciated:) I really hope that you guys like this book! :)

Vote, comment, fan!!! :D

Chapter 1

"Mom".... "Mom".... "MOM!" "WHAT?!" I whispered harshly. I groaned seeing it was only seven in the morning. "What do you want Valerie?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "I need you to drive me to school..." She said looking down, her black hair falling over her face. "Can't you drive yourself? Your sixteen." I said removing the cover from my body, the cold rushing over my bare stomach. "I know... But I want you to take me..." She says, her voice getting softer by the end. "Fine, let me get ready." I said standing, feeling my legs ache from yesterday's run. I looked over at Christina's sleeping body, unaware that I had gotten up. I kissed her on the forehead before grabbing my uniform and walking into the bathroom.

"How's school going?" I asked sipping on my coffee, sitting on the stool. "It's going good, I'm getting good grades." I smiled looking at my teenage daughter. Her long, black hair falling over her shoulders, covering her emerald green eyes. "That's great sweetheart" I said seeing her adorable smile play across her face. She always loves to make Christina and I happy but she doesn't have to try that hard. She gets good grades, plays softball and volleyball, and wants to become a police officer like me when she becomes older. "Thanks mom" she says blushing.

"You ready to go?" I ask standing from the stool, my boots clinking on the floor. "Yeah" she says rising from her chair. I am able to see her peach colored shirt and black pants with a studded belt, her grey vans almost hidden by the bottom of the table. "You look cute" I say receiving another blush. "Thanks.... So... Do... You..." She says looking at my uniform. I chuckle rolling my eyes "yeah, I always look great with a bullet proof vest, gun holster, and sunglasses." I say hearing her chuckle from behind me. I feel her arms wrap around my waist. "I love you mom" she says nuzzling into my chest. Over the years Valerie has come up with a way to acknowledge Christina and I using mom. She calls me mom and she calls Christina mother. That way we know which one she is talking to. I smile and wrap my arms around her tiny waist, rubbing her back. "I love you too Valerie" I say looking down at her.

I climbed into my squad car waiting for Valerie to get in beside me. She was sixteen now and was attending Jonathan Daniel High school. She is a sophomore in high school and she's been going there her whole life. When she was younger she got bullied a lot because she had two mothers but that's not a problem now. Mainly because I threatened to sue the school... She is a talented young girl that is.. Yes you guessed it... Gay. She has been since she was 13. Christina and I weren't surprised but we didn't force her to become gay either, it just happened. This is her second week of her sophomore year and she loves it so far.

I looked over at her "I'm guessing that you wanted to talk to me since you could have just driven yourself" I said starting up the car. "Yeah..." She said looking out of the window at the passing cars and trees. "There's a business far in the gym tomorrow... I was wondering if you would go and talk about your job..." She said, I could sense her looking over at me. "Why didn't you ask your mother?" I asked looking over at her during a red light. "I was.. Then I thought that people would only take pictures and want autographs.." She said biting her lip. "What have a I told you about biting your lip? And I know what you mean... I'll see if I can." I said and she smiled. "You say not to bite it cause it will bleed." She re-sights and I smile. "Yup" I say pulling into the schools parking lot. "Bye mom!" She says kissing my cheek, then opening the door and walking up to her friends. I smile and drive away towards the base.

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