Caught in the Line of Fire

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Chapter 2

I groaned sitting up in bed. I looked over expecting Christina to be sprawled out across the sheets but only saw her side of the bed made. I sighed and got up, heading toward Valerie's room. "Valerie your gonna be-" I looked in and saw that she was gone. I started to panic. I grabbed my gun from the coffee table in my room and ran down the stairs in my sweatpants and t-shirt. I heard some foot steps in the kitchen and walked towards the door. "Police!" I yelled walking into the room to see Valerie and Christina drinking coffee. Christina smiled and Valerie smirked at me "damn mom your always in cop mode aren't you?" She says raising an eye brow. "I thought someone took you guys!" I said putting the gun down after turning the safety on. "And they didn't take the police officer sleeping right next to me in bed?" Christina asked rinsing out her empty cup. "No, that'd be to obvious. They wanted to have me fight for you guys." I said and Valerie rolls her eyes. "Who's they?" Christina asks turning towards me looking at me suspiciously. "I dont know.. People" I said. I honestly didn't know who 'they' was. "What ever you say, I'm going to drop Valerie off at school, then I need to go to a meeting." She said grabbing her coat. I groaned "I don't even have to work today and your both gone?" I whined and Valerie smiled. "Don't forget, we have that business fair thing tonight" she says and kisses me on the cheek before heading toward the front door. "Bye babe" I say pulling Christina into a hug. "Bye sweetheart" she whispers into my ear after kissing my cheek.

I sat on the couch turning on the TV and switching it on the news. I looked down at my lap and felt a pang of sadness flow through me. Monster would always lay his head on my lap when we watched TV but her died a few years back and I still missed him. Christina had offered to get another dog but I had refused. I turned on to my side and ran my hand over the couch cushion because I was starting to get bored. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I sighed and got up opening the door to reveal a women in a red business suit and a piece of paper. "Hello?" I said running my hand through my hair to fix it. "Hi... I'm Lauren, are you Commander Jackson-Perri?" She asks looking up for the paper that she had just read. "That's me. But, when I'm working its just Commander Jackson." I say and she nods. "Okay, may I come in? I'm the new extra secretary for the squad." She says watching me. "Um... Sure... I wasn't told that we would be getting another secretary..." I say opening the door wider for her to come in. "They should have told you.." She said looking at me confused. "Well they didn't... Why don't you sit down.." I say awkwardly. She sits and I watch her watch me and wait for me to sit next to her. "So your married?" Lauren asks eyeing my wedding ring, I sit across from her and nod. "What's his name?" She asks and I look down at the floor. "It's a woman. Her name is Christina Perri.." I say and she stares at me. "No it's not!" She says not being able to process it. "Yeah it is.." I say and she stares at me. "So um... Your supposed to tell me what type of jobs that I'm going to be doing.." She says trying to change the subject. "Um... I honestly don't know because I wasn't told... What Karen does is scope out, assist us with stuff, check ammunition, and do stuff that a secretary would do." I say and she nods writing all of that down. I take that time to look at her features. She has long blonde hair that is put into a tight bun, nice body, and looks to be Puerto Rican. She catches me staring and smirks then sighs. "What's wrong?" I ask and she shakes her head. "You don't want to know... I don't want to be a burden.." She says and causing me to frown. "You can tell me." I say and she looks up at me. "Well... My boyfriend was sent to jail and he broke up with me and I'm extremely upset by it.. We had been together for three years!" She says bursting into tears. I gasp and cross the space between us wrapping my arms around her. "Don't cry, it's going to be okay. Your going to find someone else who makes you happy" I say and she looks up at me. Her blue eyes shinning from the tears. "Are you sure" she asks and I nod. I release her and get up walking into the kitchen to find some tissues. I turn around and find that she is suddenly right behind me and she bumps into my crashing into my body, slamming me into the wall with her hands on my waist to steady me. Just then the front door opens to reveal Christina and Valerie.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Christina yells glaring at me. I gasp and look at Valerie who is wearing a shocked expression. "I better go.." Lauren says and walks away slipping past Christina. "Babe I swear it's not what it looks like w-" "it's exactly what it looks like! Your fucking cheating on me!" She snaps getting closer to me. "No I'm not!" I counter but she doesn't trust me. "Seventeen years of marriage and I find out that you've been cheating on me!? What happened!? Was the sex not good enough?!" She snaps, her face turning red. Valerie's eyes grow wide and she quietly sits down on the couch. "It's not like that! The sex it great! She just tripped and I caught her!!" I said and she shakes her head in denial. "Who the hell was she?" She says with venom in her voice. "She's the new secretary at the squad.." I say and she throws her hands up in the air. "Of course it is! How cliché is that!?" She yells and I wince at how loud she gets. "Babe your not listening to me! I've never even looked at another girl since I've been with you! She just tripped and fell! That's all that happened!" I say but she still doesn't believe me. "Get the fuck out!" She yells pointing toward the door. "Babe please don't do this" I plead with tears filling my eyes. "Get out" she says again and I nod grabbing Valerie's hand and walked out of the door.

I wait until we were at a Denny's parking before I break down. I have never cried in front of Valerie ever. She gasps and scoots as close as she can and holds me. "Shh it's going to be okay mom. She's just upset, I believe you." She says and I look at her with tears running down my face that she quickly wipes away. She smiles "you know, I have your eyes" I giggle seeing that she is trying to make me smile. "It hurts" I confess and she nods. "I know but she will believe you. Just give her time." She says and I nod trying to calm myself down. "Can we go in? I'm hungry.." Valerie asks and I nod sniffling. I open up the car door and feel a rush of cold air hit my body as I remember that I had forgotten to get a coat. All that I was wearing was a plain black shirt and jeans and I was starting to get cold.

We stepped inside of the small family restaurant and immediately I am hit by a lot of people talking and families laughing with there kids. I felt so out of place here. I follow my daughter to the back of the restaurant to a small quiet section. "What will you two ladies have tonight?" A young male waiter asks us. "I'll just have a coffee." I say and he nods, his eyes lingering on me for too long. I glare at him and he quickly turns his eyes to Valerie and takes her order. I sigh and feel Valerie's hand slide over mine and I smile weakly at her. "It's gonna be okay." She whispers and I nod not knowing if that's true or not. My heart felt like it was just being ripped out of my chest and thrown onto the floor. I felt like a piece of my was breaking into pieces and dying and that piece was Christina.

The man came back with our food and again his eyes were locked on me and I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm married quit fucking staring at me" I say and glare at him. His eyes grow wide and his face turns red. "I'm sorry" he mumbles and quickly walks away. I feel Valerie watching me as I take a sip of my coffee and begin to stare at my wedding ring that Christina had given me seventeen years ago.

"We don't have to do that business fair thing." She says and I look up at her. I don't mean to act depressed but I can't help it. I know that I hurt Christina and the thought of that kills me. I promised that I would never hurt her and I broke that promise. "Okay.." I mumble and look down at my phone. "It's getting late... Can we go now?" She asks and I nod. I let Valerie drive home as I lean against the cold window and think about how I was going to talk to Christina. But, when we arrive in the driveway all of the lights are out and I know that she must be asleep. I sigh and unlock the front door turning on the living room light so that I don't run into the coffee table that I always seem to run into. I watch as Valerie walks up the stairs and steps into her room. "Do you want to sleep with me?" She asks and I shake my head no. "I'll sleep on the couch." I say and she nods, kisses me on the cheek, and then steps into her room. I walk into my room to retrieve the pillow and blankets that I need, to find Christina cuddled up in our bed. I looked over our room at the red walls and black bed sheets and smile at how cute she is. I walk to the closet and grab a thick blanket and pillow and close the door quietly so that I don't disturb her. I'm about to walk out when I turn around and bend over Christina'a body to look at her. I can see that there are tear stains and her eyes are puffy underneath. I push the hair out of her beautifulface and softly kiss her forehead before walking back out and quietly walking down the stairs.

I walk over to our red couch and lay down feeling exhausted. I sigh and close my eyes and before I know it I'm drifting off to sleep.

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