Caught in the Line of Fire

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Chapter 7

I felt like punching the glass but knew that it wouldn't break. I growled and looked at the old lady mumbling a thank you before walking off. How could she do this? She worked under me and I never even knew that she was seeing him. Unless... No... She gave him all of the information! "Dammit!" I said and took off for my car feeling pain shoot up my left leg but ignored it. I got to my car and called Karen.

"Hey Tara, is everything okay?" She asks as I never call her unless its an emergency.

"Is Lauren there?" I ask. I hear her get up from her old creaky chair.

"Um... Yeah... She's in her office, why?" She asks confused.

"Just make sure she stays there. If she tries to leave make her stay. Don't tell her that I want to talk to her." I order.

"Okay, see you soon" she says and hangs up.

I put my phone in my pocket and quickly made my way over to the base. I walked in, in my normal clothes and made my way to Karens office and peeked in. "Is she here?" I ask and she nods. "Awesome, your the best." I say and she grins.

I smiled and walked down the hall towards Lauren's office starting to feel nervous. I silently knocked on her door and heard her allow me in. I closed the door and looked at her through my sunglasses. She smiled and looked up at me from putting something in a filing cabinet. 'How can I help you Commander Jackson?" She asks with a small smile. She walks around her desk and leans on it facing me, waiting for me to speak. I looked over her body, she's wearing a black suit which compliments her body. Her blonde hair falling freely over her shoulders. She smirked catching me staring at her.

I removed my sunglasses and looked at her irritatedly, crossing my arms over my chest. Her eye brows furrowed in confusion as she watched me. "Why didn't you f*cking tell me that you were talking to Ryder?" I snap and she jumps. "What?" She asks and I feel like punching something as my anger builds. "Don't f*ucking lie to me Lauren! I saw the prison visitation chart!" I snapped not wanting to yell to draw any ones attention. "You saw!?" She angrily whispered. "Yes, have you been giving him information?" I demand stepping closer to her. She smirked stepping closer to me. Only a few inches were between us. "Your really hot when your mad" she comments causing me to step back in shock. "We're not talking about that! Answer the question Lauren!" I said as she smirked stepping towards me again. She grabbed my waist and pulled me towards her as I gasped. "Lauren" I breathed out of astonishment. She smirked and crashed her lips onto mine. I quickly out my hands on her chest and pushed her away. "What the hell Lauren!? We're working, I'm married, and I'm f*cking pi*sed at you right now!" I yelled and her eyes got wide. She smirked trying to get close to me again but I pushed her away.

"Lauren tell me!" I snapped shoving her into the wall. She shrieked but I didn't loosen my grip on her arms. "Your gonna tell me the easy way, or the hard way. Choose" I threatened as she turned her head alway from me. "Fine, when I first came to your house when I asked you all of those things I told them to Ryder. When you were talking to me I was acting like I was writing your words down but I was really writing Valerie's softball schedule down because it was sitting on the coffee table." She says and I growl.

"Why?" I ask shoving her harder into the wall. "He's my boyfriend.." She whimpers, scared to make eye contact with me. "You f*cking knew what he did to me and my father, and what he's doing to my family you f*ucking sick b*stered." I growled and she whimpered with a tear running down her cheek. "I'm not going to feel sympathy for you. Your fired and should be arrested." I snap and her eyes go wide. "I will-"

Just then Karen burst through the door looking winded.

"Tara, the prison contacted me, they said that Ryder tried to escape but was captured." I felt relief flood through me to know that he was still in prison. I looked at Lauren who was still in my grasp. I punched her in the gut and watched her fall to the ground holding her stomach and groaning. I looked over at Karen who was shocked. "Have her arrested for giving a prisoner information on a police officer." I said and walked out calling Vince, Sylus, and Kent from there locker room. "I need you guys to come with me." I say and they nod and follow me towards my car.

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