Caught in the Line of Fire

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Chapter 6

I sighed sitting in a coffee shop waiting for my mother and sister to appear. I ran my fingers over the dark wooden tables just as the entrance bell rang. I turned and saw my sister grin walking over to me with my nephew Sam right behind her. I grinned and rose from my chair to wrap my arms around the both of them. "Hey aunt Tara!" Sam said hugging me tight. He was such a sweet and gentle kid. I loved him to death. "Hey Sam! How's school going?" I asked as he was only one year older than Valerie. "It's going great. I'm looking at potential colleges right now." He said and my eyes brightened. "That's great!" I said sitting down across from them.

"Where's aunt Christina and Valerie?" He asks and I smiled looking into his bright blue eyes. His dirty blonde hair going every which way. "Christina is working and Valerie is at softball practice." I say and he nods. I smile feeling a pair of hands land on my shoulders. I look up to see my mother grinning down at me. I smile as she leans down and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"How are you sweetie?" She asks sitting next to me. "I'm good, how are you?" I ask and she smiles. "I'm doing great!" She says and I grin seeing her so happy. She puts her arms around me and pulls me to her and I can't help but smile at the women who comforted me when my father couldn't. "How's your wife and daughter?" She asks and I blush. "There doing good." I say and she smiles. "Good" she says ordering a coffee from the waiter that just appeared.

I watch as Sam'a eyes keep landing on the gun that was in the holster on my hip. "Quit staring at it." I say and his eyes jerk up. "Why are you in uniform?" He asks and I smile. "I'm on my lunch break." I say and he nods. "Is your work hard?" He asks putting his coffee down. "It was when I was younger but now I'm used to it." I say and he nods taking a sip of his coffee. I nod and look at my sister who smiles at me. She looks exactly like me except for the blonde hair which she inherited from my mother.

"How long have you and Christina been married?" She asks and I smile. "Seventeen years" I say grinning. Her face brightens "that's awesome!" She says and I blush. "I'm happy for you." She says placing her hand over mine. "Thanks.." I say smiling at her.

"Look, Christina Perri!" Someone shouts and I jerk my head in that general direction to see Christina walking through the doors with her security. Her eyes quickly find mine and her face brightens as she makes her way over to me. I stand as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me, not caring if people are staring and taking pictures of us. She pulls away looking at me "I thought you were at work?" She says and I smile. "I'm on break." I reply and she smiles seeing my sister, mom, and nephew. "Hey guys!" She says pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. Her hand slips into mine and I smile squeezing it reassuringly.

After a few minutes of talking I feel a hand land on my hip. It slowly slides over my gun and I look over to see both of Christina's hands are on the table. I quickly spring up from my seat grabbing my gun and pointing it at the unknown person. The man puts his hands up and Christina gasps. Everyone in the coffee shop stops moving and watches me. "I can have you arrested for violating a police officer." I say not taking my gun away from the man. He smiles and cocks his head to the side. "I wasn't touching you" he says and I glare at him. "You touched me then my gun. If you don't co-operate then I will arrest you." I say in my commanding voice. He then looks down and I notice a red light blinking through his shirt. I look up at him and the man smirks. "Go ahead." He says and I put my leather gloves on and take the knife out of my pocket. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I place the knife at the collar of his shirt and cut down until the shirt is open.

My eyes grow wide as I see and bomb taped to his stomach. The red light suddenly flashes green and I know that the count down to detonate has started. "How much" I ask and the man chuckles. "About 30" he says and I gasped tearing away at the tape, trying desperately to unstrap the bomb from the mans stomach. He smirks "it's not coming off. It's implanted. Everyone in this coffee shop is going to die because you won't give a certain someone what he wanted." He states and I suddenly become mad. I look around for something to cut the wires but find nothing. "Tara hurry up." Christina says and I jerk out of my train of thought and spot the giant window at the front. "Everyone get out of the way!" I order and I watch everyone move to the back of the shop. I then run at the man and tackle him sending him through the glass window feeling shards of glass dig into my skin. I crawl back into the shop feeling pain shoot through my leg as I try to get to safety. "Everyone brace yourselves!" I yell still trying to crawl to safety. My leg refusing to work. I knew that the man with the bomb was going to die. There was nothing I could do for him.

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