Caught in the Line of Fire

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Chapter 10

Authors Note: This chapter contains explicit scenes. You have been warned.

"Babe we can't just drop everything and go to Mexico!" Christina says throwing her hands up in the air. "Yeah! What about school? What about Ashlynne?" Valerie says and I roll my eyes.

"We wouldn't move there! We would stay at an army base until we get him!" I say and Christina sighs. "And how would we get over the border? I don't think we will be able to do it like Ryder did." She says and I look at her getting irritated.

"My team and I could just show our badges. But, to do that Karen would have to contact the Army General. Karen would also have to get you and Valerie Visa's to cross the border." I say and Christina sighs. "Why so you have to be so technical?' She asks and I smile.

I then walk over to Karen and grin. "Could you do all of that for me?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, but it may take a couple of weeks." She says and I smile kissing her cheek. "Your the best" I say and watch her leave to do what I had asked her to do.

I feel Christina watching me as I walk back to my desk. "What would we do with Ryder once we get him? We can't just put him in prison again! He'll just get out!" Sylus says and I ignored him. I had a plan for Ryder.

"Since we have to wait until Karen gets us the information I want you all to take the days off. I will re-direct all of our calls to another squad." Sylus says and I smile. I knew that I couldn't argue with him. We had all been working very hard.

I pulled Valerie and Christina out of the base and towards my car. As I sat down I felt Christina grab my face and pull it towards hers. I gasped as she kissed me roughly. I couldn't enjoy the kiss because of the way that she was doing it. It was like she was trying to make a point.

"Why did you kiss her?" She asks and I look into her eyes. "It was a friendly kiss. I promise you that it was nothing more." I say and she nods. I took her left hand in mine and ran my thumb over her knuckles and wedding ring. I held her hand up showing her, her wedding ring. "Seventeen years ago I promised myself to you. I said that I would never fall for someone else and I'm not going to. I love you Christina and that is never going to change." I said and she smiled and kissed my cheek.

We arrived home and I sighed feeling tired. "Tomorrow do you want to go to the beach?" I asked Valerie and Christina. They both froze and looked at me shocked. "THE Tara Jade Jackson-Perri wants to go to the beach? Oh my god I think your tired." Christina said and I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to?" I ask and they both smile and nod. "Okay. Lets go to bed." I said and followed them up the stairs.

The next day I watched Christina pack a beach bag with everything that we needed. I smiled watching her furrow her eye brows in concentration. I giggled and patted her back before heading down stairs. I watched Valerie walk down the stairs in short shorts and a plain t shirt. She smiled as me and Valerie waited for Christina to finish packing.

I grinned seeing Christina descend the stairs with a full bag. "Do you have everything?" I ask smirking and she rolls her eyes. I try to slip my gun in the bag but Christina grabs it and puts it in a drawer. "Your not a cop today. Your just going to the beach with your wife and daughter." She says and I sigh. "But what if-" "nothing will happen Tara. Trust me." She says and I sigh and head for the car.

We arrive at the beach and I get out watching all of the kids building sand castles. I smile and step onto the warm soft sand. Christina takes my hand and leads me away from all of the people and to a part of the beach where no one is at. "Why are we here?" I ask and she smiled watching Valerie descend towards the water. "You said we were going to the beach..." She said causing me to roll my eyes.

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