Caught in the Line of Fire

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Chapter 5

"Did he escape?" I ask starting to feel panicked.

"No, he was the first one that they made sure wouldn't escape" he said calmly.

"Okay good, I'm going to go back there and see what's wrong. It's obvious he's trying to get my attention." I say tiredly.

"Be careful. You have a family to think about now." He says cautiously.

"I know" I say and hang up turning to Christina. She stands from her chair looking at me confused. "Babe, what's going on?" She asks placing her hand on my arm concerned. I sighed not knowing if I should tell her. "There's a prisoner at the prison that's acting up and I have to go check on him." I say putting my uniform on. "Isn't that the guards job?" She says raising her eye brow. Crap she knows its more than that... "Um.... Yeah.." I said not knowing what to say. Suddenly her eyes go wide and she gasps. "It's Ryder isn't it?!" She yells getting hysterical. "Maybe" I say turning towards the door. "Tara, he almost killed you once. Or do I have to remind you where you got stabbed?" She says staring at my stomach. "No you don't need to remind me. I have to see what he wants." I say walking out of the door and towards my car.

I arrive at the prison to see more cop cars roll in and police officers run through the prison doors. I run with them but stop at the front desk to see the old woman again. "Am I allowed to see Prisoner Fernando at this time?" I ask looking at her through the bullet-proof glass. "No, no visitors at this time, Miss" she says not bothering to look at me. I suddenly get angry at the woman and slam my badge against the glass. Her head jerks into my direction and her eyes land on my badge. She looks terrified, as if I'm going to hurt her, as she pushes the button to unlock the prison section doors. "I'm sorry" I say as I hurry into the section to see prisoners running around and gun shots firing.

I hurry to the last door and throw it open to reveal another section of the prison that doesn't involve prisoners running around. I walk to the cell that's heavily guarded and look in to reveal Ryder sitting on his cot looking down at the floor. He looks up at me and smiles as if he was expecting me. "Hello there. I was starting to think that you weren't coming" he says in a cool nature. I glare at him and look at the guards. "Did you cause that riot?" I asked and he stands not getting near the bars. "Why would you ever think that? I was just sleeping in my cot like a good prisoner when all hell broke loose." He says smirking. "Why did you start it?" I ask putting my hands on the cold steel bars. He looks at the guards backs and I nod. "You two can leave. I can handle him" I say and they nod walking out of the room.

He gets closer and I have to back away to not get close to him. "Why?" I ask again and he smiles. "I wanted to see you again and this is the only way that you would come" he says and I glare at him. "Some prisoners are dying just so you could get me here!?" I yell and he chuckles. "Yes. They could have stayed in their cells though so it's only partially my fault." He counters and I slam my hands on the bars causing him to back up. "What do you want?!" I yell and he smiles still standing at the back of the cell. "What I wanted from you when I first met you!" He yells and I glare at him.

"Your never getting that damn money Ryder! Just forget about it!" I shout as he walks closer to me. I stand my ground and watch his dirty hand slide through the bars and slide down my cheek. I pull my head away wiping my cheek with a glare set on my face as he smiles. "Let's put it this way. If someone were to steal something that you loved very much you would want it back wouldn't you? At all costs? Yes, your father stole that money from me and I will have it back wether your sorry ass likes it or not. I will kill people if I have to. Sooner or later that money is going to be in its rightful place again." He says and I back up feeling my heart beat speed up. He laughs and looks at me with a grin. "Why are you acting scared Tara? You've handled me before." He says in a concerned voice. "D.. Don't bring my family into this" I stutter and he smiles. "If they get in my way I will make sure that they get out of the way.... Quick" he says and I feel sweat start to fall down my forehead. He just threatened to hurt them.

Caught in the Line of Fire (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now