Bathing in Hot Lava

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Maika P.O.V.

My turn!

“Next will be Maika Saika and Daisy Jones! Please will you two walk down to the teleporting system,” said Mr.H.

We had just finished watching Derek and Kaito’s fight, and may I say that Derek ain’t such a bad guy. He was short for his age and had pretty yellow eyes. Not like his siblings though Daisy had green while Nick had blue. Nick was there half-brother from what I heard. Basically he’s the middle child. Their father had an affair with Daisy mother and Nick was born but his mother left then Derek was born from Daisy’s mom. Sigh this is so frustrating.

I felt someone slam into me. I turned around to see Ryuu hugging me from behind. He looked up at me through his eyelashes pouting, “Please don’t get hurt.”

I ruffled his hair, “I won’t!”

“Promise,” he said sticking out his pinky.

 I took it with my pinky, “I promise.” He smiled and walked back to his seat. He could be so cute sometimes.

I looked across to feel someone’s eyes on me.


She quickly turned her eyes and looked straight ahead. What’s up with her? I continued walking down the stairs towards the teleporting system.

“I wonder how this going to work,” I mumbled to myself. I mean there is no reason to fight after Derek’s story but Sun Dragon’s still might threaten them after especially Derek since he lost to Kaito.

“We still have to fight I’m going to protect my brothers no matter what,” said Daisy with a determined look on her face.

I shrugged, “That’s fine by me. I’m still getting you back for calling me a ginger.”

“Are you both ready?” asked Mr.H. We both nodded. He pushed the button. I probably disappeared like Kaito did before. I opened my eyes to see a giant snake in front of face. I gasped looking at it straight in its yellow eyes. It had green scaly skin that had a sort of diamond pattern going down its body. Its tongue came out flicking me the face. The snake started hissing at me. Well rude much.

It started swaying a bit still looking at me. The snake brought its head back baring its fangs at me. Oh shit! It struck straight at my face. I dodged to the left. It’s always the left never to the right. My back hit the tree lightly. The snake still following me. It struck again but this time hitting the tree behind me. It slithered to the ground. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I left the snake behind and went straight ahead towards something. I don’t really know what it was but I just followed my senses. I kept on walking until I came to a beautiful, and when I say beautiful I mean it, volcano!

Yeah I know your probably thinking ‘How the hell is a volcano beautiful anyways?!’ but to me it was wonderful. It’s not like those cartoon volcano’s that you see on T.V. or the ones that kids do for projects but a real live active one!

The volcano had probably just finished erupting because there was lava falling down from it. The lava was a mixture of yellow, orange, red and black colors. Cool! I really wish I could touch it.

“Then why don’t you?” asked a voice from behind. I turned around to see Daisy there.

“Did I say that out loud?” I asked. She raised her eyebrow and nodded.

“Whoops,” I said smiling to myself. Crazy Maika.

“Why are you shaking your head?” she asked.

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