Tied Up to a Tree!

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Ryuu P.O.V.

They had caught me and tied me up to a tree. My hands were tightly tied around the tree trunk. They were all staring at me with disgust in their eyes but why should I care because I was glaring back at them.

“Disgusting! I can’t believe we have to bring it back with us!” said someone in the background. Some grunted and agreed. “And it’s not just one it’s two!”

Two? Who was the second one? I didn’t see anyone else out here! Just then I heard a piercing scream causing me to gasp and the blood drained from my face as Raphael dragged Kaito. He was limp and bloody all over. His breath came out rough and desperate but what was different about it was his hair. Or what was supposed to be in his hair. The flowers they were all gone except for one tiny, crumpled yellow petal.

Ralph was strutting with so much pride when he dragged Kaito on the ground, “I got him!” The others looked at him with digest but he just glared back at them.

“There goes Jay’s bitch,” one boy whispered. Everybody else nodded in agreement.

Why? Why is he working with Dragon hunters when he is a Dragon himself?! I struggled against the ropes that held me to the tree. He finally noticed me and smiled coming over to me still dragging Kaito by his hair. I winced as a trail of blood dribbled down out of his mouth to the ground. Ralph finally dropped him and crouched in front of me.

He lightly stroked my cheek for a while until he grabbed my hair and yanked me forward. I growled in his face, “How could you?! He loved you! And you treat him like trash!”

He chuckled lightly, “It was just an act you see, I never loved him and I never will. He was too easy,” he put his hand on his chin, “But he would never let me fuck him.”

I hissed and spit in his face. He didn’t even flinch just smiled then backhand slapped me in the face. I groaned when he pulled me closer and whispered into my ear, “You’ll never find love because you’ll be died,” he released me and stepped over Kaito to join the rest of the group.

I looked down at Kaito whose eyes were slightly open. “Kaito,” I whispered but he didn’t respond. I tried again and again to get him to respond bit still nothing. I felt my eyes burn but I didn’t let anything come out.

I heard someone chuckle, “He won’t be responding anytime soon kid.” I looked up to see her again.


She was looking down at me with a smirk on her face. Her shocking neon-blue hair was blowing in the wind. She had her hand on her hip and in her other hand was a lollipop.

I glared at her. What was she doing here? Oh why should I care! Probably because she and her friends are about to kill me or use me as an experiment. Oh now look I’m talking to myself now! I sighed and shook my head. Oh Goddess someone help me!


*flys in* Dragon: Yeah I know it's short but oh well. This is like a filler chapter...I think. Anyways sorry I haven't been uploading lately. You know high school crap is going on! So until next time VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE! Also go to my other stories!

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