Getting Chased by Scorpions!

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Ryuu P.O.V.

The Scorpion was giant with little beady eyes, pure black scales, and a mighty big stinger aiming straight at us!

“Derek,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice a little shaky still staring at the Scorpion.

“On the count of three,” I continued.


“Run for your life!”

“Oh I can do that!” he whispered.

“1...2...3!” I yelled. We both jumped going separate ways. I went to the left and Derek went to the right. The Scorpion got confused and shrieked. The noise was piercing my ears. I held my hands against my ears and I regretted it because it distracted me. I felt myself run into something hard and cool. I looked up slowly to see the Scorpion had called reinforcements. The Scorpion looked down at me just noticing me first time. Its beady eyes looking down at me.

Oh crap! I’m about to die! The Scorpion brought it’s stinger down at me. I jumped dodging the stinger that was oozing poison. I heard a scream from where Derek took off running to. I looked in that direction. Two Scorpions were surrounding him. I turned back to my Scorpion and barely, just barely, dodged another attack from its stinger. The stinger was so close to the side of my stomach it only ripped my shirt but didn’t cut me. Thank the Dragon! I started crawling backwards and the Scorpion followed me.

Its stinger launched and landed in between my legs. I looked down at it then back at the Scorpion then back. Are you kidding me?! I swallowed hard. What do I do? Somehow I ended up right next to Derek, right in the middle of the three Scorpions.

Derek dropped down next to me, “What do we do?” he whispered.

“I don’t know,” I said but the Scorpions did. The one in front of me used it’s stinger to grab me around the ankle pulling me up into the air. It dropped me onto its back. I guess it didn’t realize that it had done that because it started spinning around in circles looking for me, making me dizzy. I stood up carefully in its back balancing myself. I pulled the sword on my back out of the holder. I raised the sword over my head bringing it down hard in between a space on the Scorpions back. It started thrashing around but I held my grip on the sword. Finally it stopped and went down.

I pulled out the sword and jumped down. There was only one left. I raised an eyebrow. I was sure there were there.

“I made the other one stab itself in the back,” said Derek. He was right! I saw it with its stinger sticking out of its own back.

The last one hesitated to attack us. I heard a noise from the side. It distracted for a second, but the Scorpion used that distraction. It wrapped its stinger around Derek’s waist bringing him up and squeezing the life out of him. His face was changing colors trying to breath, still struggling. I took Sakimori out of my hair and threw it at one of its eyes and loosed its grip on Derek but didn’t let go. Derek was limp but his eyes were barely open. Then the worst happened.

I was stabbed!

I don’t know where or how. All I know is the Scorpion grew another stinger and stabbed me from behind. It raised me up with its stinger still in my chest. My vision became more blurry and blood was dripping from mouth. I faintly heard Derek screaming, tears in his eyes, reaching out towards me calling me. I tried to speak but more blood came out of mouth instead. How did this happen? Why now?!

The Scorpion swung me around and slammed me in a tree. I rolled down the tree. I felt myself drift off the last thing I saw was Derek being dragged away by the Scorpion.

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