Grand Chase!

703 27 4

Ryuu P.O.V.

“Ryusaki hurry they’re gaining on us,” yelled Derek. We had found the gate easily since it was glowing blue right in front of us so we drove into it. But what we did know was that we were still at a distance from B.L.D.A. The Sun Dragons were shooting at us from behind so Derek and I made the kids in the back duck for cover.

All the supplies we needed were here just like Phil and Bill said they were going to be at. We had a couple of Machine guns, water, food, gps  etc. even a pair of contacts for Derek to wear since he didn’t have his contacts.

“I know they’re gaining on us Derek! I can see them in the car mirror! Did you know when they say ‘Objects in Mirror Are Closer than They Appear’ they really freaking mean it!” I yelled.  

“Yes I know that but hurry!” yelled Derek again.

“Ugh you’re not the one driving I am!”

“Well I don’t care we need to do something to slow them down,” said Derek.

I thought about it for a second and grinned turning to Derek who turned to me with a face of horror, “No!” he said.

“Hey one of you’ll in the back pass me a Machine gun that’s loaded!” I yelled.

“No you have got to be kidding me! I am not shooting anybody,” said Derek

I shook my head, “You’re not shooting’re just shooting the cars or wheels to slow them down.”

“Hm let me think about this-NO! My answer is still no!”

“Oh my Dragon! You just have to do it! Think of the children!” I yelled back.

“What children?!”

I looked behind me still driving and Derek also looked back to for a while then turned around and crossed his arm, “Fine I’ll do it!”

One of the kids for behind pulled out a Machine gun and Derek looked at scared. He hesitated to touch the gun and used all his power to touch it, “Oh Lord...,” he breathed out and opened a window sticking his head out and then coming back in.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I don’t know how to shoot a gun!” he said.

“Are you serious?!”

“Not many people know how to shoot a damn gun Ryuu!” he yelled shaking the gun in my face.

“Ok, ok just stop pointing the gun at my face,”  I said moving the gun away.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“Just pull the lever-,” He pulled the lever and shoot at the front window, “Not inside the car! You have to aim then pull the lever!”

“I’m sorry! I’m just so nervous!”

“Nervous?! Back at school when you were all enchanted you were never nervous,” I said shrugging.

Derek looked down at the gun in his lap and pouted and sighed out, “I’m sorry for being mean to you guys. It’s just...the enchantment just took over. I never meant those things that I said to other people I just couldn’t control it. I really hate being mean to other people. I like being short I know hard to believe but I do, and all I ever really wanted to do was make friends,” he said getting teary eyed.

I patted his back with one hand on the wheel, “Its ok Derek if you don’t want to do it then you don’t have to,” I said.

Derek shook his head and wiped his eyes, “No, no I’ll do it!” He got up and sat on the window ledge he closed on eye and concentrated then shoot. The bullets exploded one of the tires in one of the cars behind us and it swerved left to right then crashed.

The Boy with the Golden Eyes (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora