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Kaito’s P.O.V.

“Kaito…Kaito! Please say something if you can hear me!” I heard someone whisper.

I wish I could but I can’t. After what happened with Ralph I can’t move. I only know I have one petal left and that’s not good!

“If anything were to happen to your petal you’ll die! Remember what I told you before!!” Plantina yelled as she say a whole rose come out.

“Yeah I do remember but it just came out by itself!” I said.

“Yeah because you’re not taking care of it dummy! You have to water it and give it light!”

“Water it? How the hell am I going to do that when it’s on my freaking head?!” I asked pointing at the flower crown on my head.

“Have you ever heard of showers?!”

“Yes! And I do take them,” I said flopping onto the bed.

“Then that’s not the problem its either nutrients or sunlight,” she said walking over to the window and pulling the curtains apart. She sighed and smiled, “Oh yeah that feels nice.”

“It sure does,” I said after feeling warmth throughout my body. I sighed pleasantly and closed my eyes. I better be careful with these flowers…

And now there all gone except one tiny little petal. Damn why can’t remember what Plantina said I was supposed to do if something happened like this. Oh Plantina where are you?

“Kaito please wake up soon. I need you to wake up!” I heard that same voice say. I felt a slight tapping on my cheek and my eyes slowly opened only half way. I looked up to see Ryusaki with slight tears in his eyes, smiling down at me. “Kaito you’re awake!”

I groaned. Goddess it feels like I’m drunk. I slowly looked around and say we were on a back of a truck with two other guards intensely watching us.

“What’s going on?” I silently whispered before going into a fit of coughs. Ryuu quickly scooted me up so I was leaning on his chest and was rubbing my back. He wiped blood off my cheek.

“Your boyfriend…ex-boyfriend kind of…,” he hesitated.

I nodded, “Yeah I know,” I said in a harsh whisper, “Where are we going?”

“I don’t know but I think they are taking us back to their hideout or something like that…,” he said.

“Oh…,” I got out before a world of darkness consumed me.

Ryuu P.O.V.

I sighed with relief when Kaito woke up but I knew he was struggling to get out even a couple of words. So I was happy when he passed out so he could get some rest. I occasionally would have to wipe the blood that would come out of his mouth which couldn’t be good.

I looked towards one of the guards, “Um excuse me is he going to get medical attention when we get to where ever we are going?”

The guard just grunted and snorted spitting towards us.


I glared at him for a while before I felt movement below. I looked down to see Kaito shivering. Crap is he going into shock or something?!

“Hey!” I yelled making the guards snap their heads my way, “My cousin is going into shock and if I recall you wanted to use both of use as experiments. And as experiments you need us alive.”

They chuckled before one responded and not what I was hoping he would say, “Its fine if one of you are alive.”

Fine if they need us both alive then I’ll just make us die. I closed my eyes and had an image in my mind. I would stab myself with my own nails and Kaito’s breathing would slow making the guards go into a frantic attack to rescue us. And I hope this goes well because I already started.

Kaito’s breathing had slowed where it looks like he’s not breathing. I held in my breath and stabbed myself. And Oh Goddess was it painful! I dropped down but not before I heard them yelling for them to drive faster and get the first aid kit.

You know I think these darkness powers could work because my bleeding body on the floor that they see was not me but an illusion.


*flys in* Dragon: Oh snap RYUSAKI IS A ILLUSIONAST!! Oh yeah I went there didn't see that coming now did yeah! Yeah I know you guys are all like 'Oh she finally update after so long!!' Sorry guys too much stuff going on! Anyways I'll see you guys later! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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