Rescue Group?!

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  • Dedicated to MargaretMcnamara

Maika P.O.V.

“Why aren’t we doing anything?!” I yelled to Mr.H. We just finished watching Kaito getting abused by his boyfriend…ex-boyfriend and Ryuu getting tied to a tree. They had haled them into a van; not nicely, and drove off. “What the hell is going on?! Isn’t this academy supposed to be secure?!”

Nobody was doing anything just watching my cousins being dragged away! Derek was at the side with Faith in his hands nervously stepping away from the man that caused Ryuu to run out. Fuck him! How dare he say such things to him?

“It doesn’t matter. No one needs them anyway they are weak and useless. Besides no one needs the little Darkness Dragon anyway!” Some people nodded in agreement while others just averted their eyes.

“But that’s my son and nephew out there! How could you say that?!” yelled Ryuu’s father. He looked even more intimidating when some of his blond hair started sparking a bit and his fangs out. No more cheery but more worried and pissed.

The man sharply turned to Mr. Matsumoto, “Your son is a disgrace to all the Dragons! As for your wife I’m glad she is gone!”

Mr. Matsumoto growled and started to leap towards him but was cut off by Sensei, “You must calm your nerves son.”

“But Father,” he said but was cut off again.

“It’s fine he is not important right now! It is the child outside who need our help the most especially Kaito. He is dying.”

I gasped, “Dying? No that can’t be! There’s got to be some way we can help them!”

Sensei turned to me, “Maika I know you want to go help them but you must stay put.”

“But Sensei-,” I said.

“No Maika! You are not ready! That crazy stunt that you did with the volcano cannot work with a bunch of Hunters!” he snapped.

It wasn’t a stunt I just…felt like it.

He sighed and grabbed my cheek, “I cannot let my favorite student go out to her death.”

“Yes you mustn’t! She is a priced object!” the man spoke once again.

I turned towards him and growled causing him to back up a bit. I felt a little tingle go through my body. I looked down to see my hands were turning red with flames in them, “Speak about my friends one more time and I won’t hesitate to snap your fucking neck!”

The man paled a little. Good be scared. I breathed in and out to calm myself down a bit and it worked.

“Good Maika you can control yourself better than your Mother. She had such a temper,” Sensei said with a smile.

I smiled lightly. I wonder who my Mother is. I mean I’ve seen her before but…yeah.

“Maika I would like to speak with you privately,” Sensei said pulling away then turning his head slightly, “You two also,” he said also towards Derek and Faith. They quickly followed us getting away from the man who was glaring at us.

Sensei dragged into classroom and turned towards us, “Alright then shall we begin with the plan.”


“Well I think we need to track them down first!” Derek said and Faith nodding in agreement.

Wait what?!

“Yeah! And then when we find them we can kick their butts!” Faith said doing punching movements with her hands.

I put my hands up in the air, “Wait what’s going on?! Outside you said I can’t go now we’re coming up with a plan?!”

“Ah Maika you can be so dense sometimes,” Sensei said nodding, crossing his arms.

“So dense,” Faith said copying Sensei.

“Really dense,” Derek said copying the other two.

My mouth fell making Faith and Derek giggle, “So you’re saying that that was a lie outside there?!”

“Yep!” they all said.

I groaned, “Alright what are we doing then?!

“That’s for you to know and me to not know at all!” Sensei said causally walking out.

“Wow I like him!” Derek said smiling.

I sighed and shook my head, “Alright first we need a car then we…um…wing it!”

“I can already tell this we are going to die huh!” Derek said.

“Yep!” Faith yelled.

“Yeah probably, most likely but at least we can die trying,” I said shrugging.

“Crazy,” Derek said shaking his head, “Just like all the Fire Dragon just crazy!”

“Speaking about that when do I get to meet some.”

“I don’t really know they usually do this parkour kind of stuff.”

“Really?! Yes!!”

“Yeah…ok I think we should get the car now but you know I don’t want to see that man again,” he said nervously.

“Agreed.” Kaito, Ryuu we are on our way…even though we got a weird rescue group.


*flys in* Dragon: Oh Snap, Crackle, Punch! I'm back baby! I know it's been a while y'll.

Crowd: BOO!!

Dragon: *readys breath* Say that one more time!


Dragon: Good! Now guys if you read Romance Sucks! Then you should know about the contest! Please you guys help me write a fight scence and I'll even add in a dedication! XD *flys out*

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