Darkness Dragon

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Ryuu P.O.V.

We were all still chatting it up in the Clinic room. We figured out some things that we didn't even know about each other. It was nice and I had a very nice warm feeling.

"So Derek have you ever had a crush on anyone before?" Maika asked raising her eyebrows at him.

Derek blushed and hid behind the pillow, "N-no!"

"Lies! Your brother told me you had a crush on someone I don't really remember...," I said.

"What?!" He shrieked.

Everyone in the room laughed and Derek whimpered and pouted hiding behind the pillow he had, "It's not funny!"

"Alright, alright, alright, we're sorry!"

"Not!"Maika said causing everybody to snicker.

"Ah by the way Kaito what about your boyfriend um...Ralph! How's he doing?"

Kaito pouted, "I don't know the last time I saw him was when I introduced him to you guys. I haven't seen him since!"

"Oh...," Derek said.

"It's fi-," the door opened and interrupted what Kaito was about to say. The man from before walked in. The same man who told all of us that we were an experiment. Maika narrowed her eyes at him while Derek and Faith got closer to Kaito.

The man noticed how tense we were and just smiled, "Children how are you today?" No one answered but he continued on anyway, "So today we will be running some test!" he said happily clapping his hands together.

"Tests? What for? We are perfectly normal!" Maika yelled.

"Normal?!" He laughed and continued, "None of you are normal! Kaito is a boy and he's a Nature/Earth Dragon. It's just not possible! Derek is short and has weird looking eyes just like Ryuu. He can't even use his powers because he's weak! Faith can't ever fly because one of her wings is ripped to pieces. When a Dragon loses there wings they should be dead! Maika has weird outburst like any normal Fire Dragon but after she jumped into the volcano like a manic she changed! And you...," he said pointing at me, "You're the weirdest of them all!"

I sucked in my breath. What's this guys problem?! How can he say all those mean things to us?! We're just a bunch of kids for fuck secs!

"You Ryusaki Masumoto weren't even supposed to be born! I warned your Father that if you were born you would give us all hell! All of your kind do!"

"What do you mean my kind?!" I screamed at him holding on to the clinic blankets.

"A Darkness Dragon! You foul beasts ruin everything! Considering that you hate heights and you very jolly for you one! Your very different," He said finishing.

My heart stopped. What? I'm a Darkness Dragon?! No it can't be...No it can be possible. All those times I laughed randomly when I was getting hurt, the time when I was under the moon and I healed. No not the moon just pure Darkness healed me.

He's right I am a Darkness Dragon but he is wrong about them! Nick...he said they were nice right?! Yeah he did!

So why do I feel so empty...

"It's useless to even have you here!" The man said some more.

"Shut up...,"I whispered.

"All your type do is destroy!"

"Shut up," I whispered a little louder.

He pointed at me, "You should be dead!"

"URUSE!![shutup]" I yelled in Japanese. The room started shaking a little bit but I didn't care. I stormed out of the room quickly the shouts and yells from my friends inside.

I just walked. And walked. And walked. Until I was outside. It was raining but I didn't care. I just kept walking in the rain with my head done until I reached a tree. I say down and pulled my knees to my chest placing my head into it and started sobbing. I don't know how long I cried but I know it was long enough.

I didn't notice that everybody had went inside. Some kind of emergency but I still didn't care. I want to leave. Be away from this place. Maybe even...


NO! I can't let what he said get to me. I'm special in my own way. No one can tell me who I am. Only I can.

I only heard the rain that fell hardly then all of a sudden I heard sirens blare and other noises. My head snapped up and I looked around. Absolutely no one was out here but it was still the middle of the day. I guess I should go back inside now. The rain had stopped by now. I walked to a close by door and pulled but it wouldn't open. In fact it zapped me. What the?

"Aw the poor Dragon is locked out of he's own home," a chilly voice said behind me, "I think your on Lockdown. It's usually when Dragon hunters or human find this place and break the barrier."

My eyes widened. I still had my back to the intruder. A Lockdown? I've never heard of that here but seeing as I haven't been here long it's possible that I missed the lesson about it, "Who are you any ways?" I asked.

"It won't matter because you'll be dead!" I heard and jumped in the air flipping causing myself to be behind the person. He was about to stab me with his katana. I used this opportunity to smack him at his weak point behind his neck. He went down.

I turned and holy shit were there a lot of them. Well that man's wish has been granted because...

"You are so dead!"

Yeah what he said.


*flys in* Dragon: Hey guys!...I don't really know what to say so yeah~ Oh yeah I used Japanese in this. Actually from now on I gunna use Japanese in the next couple of chapters. Seeing as everyone is Japanese except for some people. Anyways enjoy! :) *flys out*

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