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It was Niall's first day at attending Bradford High. He was nervous. He looked at his dad he grabbed his book bag. When his Dad looked at him Niall immediately turned his head. He doesn't like to make eye contact. Niall walked down the stairs slowly.

"Cmon bud you dont want to be late."

Bob said. Niall was downstairs holding his stomach as he felt 100 butterflies in them. He got in the car and but his back down.

"Soo, are you nervous?"

Niall took his dad's hand and put it to his chest to feel how fast his heart was beating.

"It's okay Bud, If you want to come home or you feel sick, you can give me a call I'll getcha."

Niall gave him a warm smile. His dad was all he had after his mom died from cancer. He loved his very much. His dad accepted him for being gay, and takes good care of him. He's really protective over Niall.

"Almost here bud."

Niall Took a huge Breath When they reached at huge building That read..

'Bradford High, Home Of The Eagles.'

"You Need me To Come in with you?"

Niall shook his head 'no' and opened the door.

"I love you." His dad said.

Niall turned around and drew a x on his heart with his fingers and smiled.

All eyes were on Niall. It Felt like the earth had stopped and everyone on earth was staring at him. Of course Niall didn't look at them. He continued to look down.

He went in the door that read main office.

"Hi Niall I've been waiting to meet you. Your dad has called in and told us about your disorder I notified your teachers. If you need any help..i mean any come to me. Here's your schedule and locker number.

Niall read over his schedule.


'Phew no gym.' Niall thought to himself.

He gave the lady a warm smile before leaving. Niall avoided eye contact again.

He opened his locker and Got a notebook, composition book, and a pen.

He walked with his head down and fell to the floor.

He really wanted to cry but he wanted to be strong for his dad and mum.

A shadow hovered over him.

Niall Didn't want To Make eye contact but He could See the black hair on Head the studied Niall's Figure.

Some people Laughed at him. Another guy helped him up.

"Let's get you off the floor." He Had brown Hair, a very nice smile," Niall looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"Im Liam, You probably dont want to mess with that kid. He's trouble." Niall nodded before turning around.

"You must be Niall, Mrs. Hatton in the front office told me to keep an eye out for you. And told me about your Autism but, Its okay Im not that type of person. I want to help you but This isnt how i wanted to meet you."

Niall couldn't help but smile. He figured he liked Liam, and that he wasn't going to mess with him.

"Let's get you to class, yeah."

Niall Nodded following behind Liam's footsteps.


Soo This is This. I figured to Write another story. But i could really Use feed Back on it. I actually learned alot about Autism so I Figured Hey! Why not write a book.

Stay Weird ❤

AUTISM. • Ziall AUWhere stories live. Discover now