Chapter 3

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"What happened?" Bobby asked scared.

"Punch Mirror." Niall put his head down hoping his father wouldn't yell at him.

"What made you do that exactly?"

"Guys. They were messing with me. I just got angry." Niall shrugged. His dad began driving and Niall felt disappointed.

"Bud, why didn't you call me?"

Niall sighed and put his head against the window.

"S-sorry.." he mumbled.

When They arrived Niall walked to his room and looked in the mirror. Just stood their for a very long time.

He shook his head and layed on his bed.

Why did that Zayn kid help me anyway. If I wouldn't ever told him I had Autism he would bully me Everyday. I dont like him. Liam said he wad trouble and I can believe it. I know tomorrow is going to be like today. I dont want it to be but it is. I dont want to see, look, or think of this Zayn. I know His stupid brother is going to mess with me regardless.

"Heeelloooo Earth To Niall, you hungry?"

"M'Fine d-dad I think I'll just calm m-myself." Niall laughed.

Bobby nodded and shut the door.

"Ni C'mon or you'll be late again."

"M-maybe I w-want to be l-late." Niall dragged his feet. Bobby went over and picked Niall up before caring him outside of the car.

"Can't believe I had to do that." Niall laughed.

The rides was the same..Call me if you need Blah blah blah.

Niall drew a 'x' across his heart before getting out the car and entering the building. The bell rang so Niall was already late.

He got a pass and ran into the class room.

"Niall..You're late."

"Yeah b-by a M-minute." Niall said sarcastically and handed her his pass. He looked and known the desk had been put into groups.

He read the paper to see who he was in a group with.

Leeay Harris
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik
Louis Tomlin-

Niall stopped reading there.

"C-can i switch g-groups?"

"Im sorry no...its a group project."

Niall Sighed and walked to his group. He seen the girl with purple hair so that was good. But Louis gave him a disgusted look while Zayn just looked at him.

"Ugghhhh." Louis Groaned when Niall sat down. He was next to Leeay and in front of Zayn.

"Is there a problem?" Leeay said to Louis leaning in front of him.

"Its next to you." He said.

"Well How about this. I suggest You get your shit together because he's in this group. I dont have problem with him. You dont even know him but you judge him. So shut the fuck up before i cut your Dick off and glue it to you head and call you my Bitch, sound Good?"

Zayn Laughed While Niall looked away feeling awkward.

"So Niall Heey. What happened to your hand?" she smiled then got worried.

"I have anger problems i guess." Niall shrugged.

They all turned their heads to hear what the project was about.

AUTISM. • Ziall AUWhere stories live. Discover now