Chapter 7

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Niall's P.O.V (4 weeks Later)

Today Zayn and I stayed at his place. He hasn't hurt me. Not once. That made me feel good.

Liam hasn't talked to me because he said he told me Zayn was bad and I dont know what I'm getting myself into. I believed him because he knew Zayn longer. I sat up and moved my hair from my face.

I we were now on Winter break They should've made Fall Break in October not November because we stayed in school for a week and 3 days then winter came.

"Morning Niall ."

"Morning." I smiled and cuddled into him not wanting to get up.

"You are so lazy." He laughed. I hit his chest lightly.

"Well r-remind me that if We get married and a-adopt that you do everything because I'm l-lazy." I hit him again.

"You think we'll go that far?" Zayn asked curiously.


"I really like you." I sorta frowned.

Why can he just use love he's acting like he's scared or something. You cant always say I really like you; you either Love me or Like me. He used it before why is he scared to use it again.

"Niall..." Zayn sounded like he shouldn't have said it.


"N-nevermind." He smiled fondingly.

I rolled my eyes and slowly got out the bed.

"Where you going?"

How the hell am i suppose to fix my hair now. I tried to style it back. Ill just wait. I walked out the bathroom and Zayn was giggling while he was texting.

"Who ya texting?"
"Umm..uh..N-nobody." He put his phone down and cuddled me.

I don't think it's a nobody.

"Ill be back." Zayn took his phone and went out the room. I put my clothes on and made the bed showing him in not laying in it anymore.

I walked downstairs and on the other side of the door Zayn was on the phone. I wasn't going to eavesdrop...but I wanted to.

"Home?" I asked him he went inside and grabbed his keys. Not begging me to stay or nothing. He was just laughing with the female voice.

We drove in the car with Zayn still on the phone.

"Can you get of the phone while your fucking driving with me in it?!" I asked a little anger coming out my mouth.

"Ill call you back." He smiled before hanging up.

"Who was that, Javaad?"

"My mom... Why are you going home? We don't have school...Its Christmas break."

"I dunno I h-haven't seen my d-dad In 2 we--"

"What's the real reason?" Zayn cut me off. If I say the real reason he's going to lie or say something mean and rude.


"What about me?" He stopped in front of my house.

"Its just that I feel you're not tryi--"

"I'm Trying my best It isnt easy Dealing with you y'know." Zayn cut me off and yelled lightly. I shook my head getting out the car.

"See you Soon." I said before slamming the door.

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