Authors Note !

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I'm Back Again. So I stopped in the middle of a story and its because I felt like people just stopped reading it. I had no more ideas and no intentions to continue writing but, I got a phenomenal idea on a new story but I figured I at lease give you at least 5 chapters on Autism before I start the book. I'll be updating a chapter tonight actually, I've been working on it for a while. The last months I had to be really focused on school I'm in honors & AP so you know how hard it is to keep your gpa where you want it to be. But now that its summer I can focus on the stories more. I've gotten Motivation From a couple of online friends and Friends in person. Hopefully you guys aren't mad and would understand why I stopped. It wasn't because of you guys it was because of school.

I really love you guys and Your Comments Make me so happy. So when I downloaded Wattpad again I had 110 notifications and all of them were comments on some chapters . that made Me want to continue really. You guys are awesome💖.

Again Updating tonight ✨
Stay Weird.

AUTISM. • Ziall AUWhere stories live. Discover now