chapter 4 : Lasey and Friends

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recap :

"Well, you look hot and not to mention gorgeous."He said, ughh... men...

"So shall we go.?.?." He asked while standing up fron his bed.

"Yes, we shall."I said. smiling innocently at his, he just chuckled and opened the door and motioned me to go out first.

When we got out, Zayn checked the door if it's locked and shoved the keys in his back pocket.

We were walking down the dorm, when....


chapter 4 : @ The Crush@

Macie's POV:

We were walking down the dorm when....

four girls stood infront of us, well me actually.

3 of them are identical and the other one has blue hair? whats that? blue?

Okay, so blue haired girl just gave me a glare, she looks so slutty with lots of makeup on her, her clothes are too revealing; she's wearing a one white shoulder shirt that shows her stomach, and a denim short shorts with like six inched heels. The fuck?!

The triplets are wearing white shorts and a black bra with a blazer? what, i use that if I'm wearing skinny jeans not shorts. With their makeup like black eyeliner and silver lashes and eyeshadow. god these girls are so slutty.

"So what's your name bitch." She asked me while giving me a death glare.

"Ohh I'm Macie whore, and don't call me a bitch whore. Look at yourself first before giving me names or your going to be hurt real bad." I said showing her that I am not afraid of her.

"Ohh i see, tough one aye, by the way, I'm Lasey, These are the Cutie Triplets, Christie, Christelle, and Christine." She said while pointing to the 'cutie triplets' . What a boring name.

"You better enjoy company now bitch, it won't last long anyway." She laughed.

"Why? You're going to suck off all the dicks in this campus so they would follow you? Haha. That's fucking awesome for you then; better save your throat then for the ten thousand dicks you're gonna blow tonight." I smirked.

"Fuck you slut." She said enraged. I was not alarmed and just smirked even wider.

"Nah dear, just fuck everything that has a dick on. It's better, for that is." I grinned, before she had the chance to say a comeback or some shit, Zayn spoke.

"Fuck off Lasey, you're even a bigger bitch then ever. Ha, you forgot one little detail then. News spread fast around here ya know." He said smirking.

"And what is that Zaynie boo?" She said with a slutty tone, yup i said slutty not sassy coz she's showing her boobs while saying it.

"One, don't fucking call me Zaynie Boo. Two, you didn't notice it yet or maybe you don't even know but the guys around the campus know about her and her sassiness, so she's being popular in a good way not like you." He said.

"What? That's impossible, i am the pretty and popular one not her. And beside I'm sexier and prettier than her." She said shocked and confused.

" Well that's where your wrong Lasey. The whole campus adores her. She has a good attitude, she's beautiful, she's sexy, she's fierce and strong, and she's not too revealing unlike you." He said, awe he's so swee-wait, what, stop it Macie, dont fall for it again. She faced me.

"This isn't over bitch. Come on girls." She said before she left I smiled and stepped infront of her

"Love you too." I said smiling and formed a duck face and kissed my fingertips and blew it at her. She stomped away with her three followers behind her.

"You okay Macie,? "he asked, i just nodded

" I'm sorry bout them, their just, well a bitch." He said while smiling. I laughed a bit and smiled at him.

"You're so cute when you smile." he said happily to me.

"Why thank you kind sir, shall we go to the grounds now, i think their looking for you already." I said while smiling at him.

"Ohh yeah, let's go then" he said while tugging my hand.

When we reach the grounds, we headed towards the guys, while we were walking a lot i mean a lot of guys were looking at me.
Okay, this is getting weird.

When we're almost at the spot where the guys are , someone tapped my shoulder, when i look who it is, Its........


hahaahah okei I'll update agaid next time, still busy.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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