Chapter 15 : Hangout pt. 1

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  “I love you? Really, Nathan, that is sweet but a bit corny. Why would you even say that to me?” When she closed the door, the boys looked so red of anger.

“What the fuck did he say to her?” Louis and Niall said simultaneously.

“Why in the fucking hell would he even fucking say that? In addition, why did Macie have to be so fucking sweet, nice, and friendly?” Liam and harry chorused angrily together.

“Fuck, what if Macie doesn’t come home tonight?” I asked worriedly all of a sudden.

“Then we will fuck have to track her.” Liam said angrily. This is the first time Liam has started cursing again.

“Oh my fucking God Liam, this is the first time you have ever cursed in a long time.” Niall and Louis chorused together.

“Well, you would be the same if the fucking girl you love and own is too fucking friendly too only fucking think of us. If the bond will complete, I swear, any boy who would even look at her is so fucking toast.” Liam hissed.

“Well, I agree on you with that one Liam.” Louis smirked.

“Include me in that.” I smirked as well.



Macie’s POV: (after she closed the door of their dorm room)

I am walking through the halls when I felt a gust of wind stroked my face. I walked faster out the dorm to the parking lot. I see Nathan leaning against that red hammer of his. However, there is a mass number of girls and a bit of boys surrounding him and his friends. Nathan spotted me and came near me.

“You ready? You look stunning by the way.” He said as he smiled sweetly at me. I nodded and returned a smile as well. He hugged me in a friendly way and guided me to the car. I went over to the passenger’s side and Nathan went over the driver’s side. His friends got in and said many compliments that I smiled and thanked in return.

“So, where are we going?” I asked them.

“Picnic!” They shouted happily together.

“Okay then.” I said and laughed a bit. My phone buzzed and ringed a few times. I opened my bag and checked it.

It’s from Harry.

Where are you! Come home tonight; do not stay with those pieces of shits. – Harry;)

The next one is from Niall.

Fuck! Where are you? We are coming to get you. Stop believing shit they say, they’re dangerous princess. – Nialler :P


The next one is from Louis.

Come home now macie! You are in big trouble tonight, it’s the full moon. Do not mess with us Love. – Louis ^_^

The next one is from Liam.

Fucking come home Macie, the boys are really in bad shape. Fuck, if I get you, you will feel sorry for going with them! – Li Liam

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