Chapter 15: Hangout pt. 2

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"I guess you're okay then?" Siva asked smiling at my apparent reaction.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused.

"Well, we also showed a girl before you what we really are but it turns out, she got scared out of her brains so she fell unconscious but it turns out, she died after being in a coma for a year." Jay spoke for the first time since we all got here.

"She is not an animal enthusiast kind of kind then." I said jokingly and stood up to hug jay, he really is sad, too bad for the girl, these guys are amazing.

"You know, Right now, I still really think I'm dreaming. I cannot believe what I am seeing right now, it's kind of unbelievable; I'm not much into myths so yeah." I said truthfully.

"It is fine, good thing you did not ran away or went into a coma." Nathan said in a happy tone.

"Wait, what do you all look like? I have only seen Tom as a wolf." I asked them. I let go of Jay as he stood up. Four of them stood in all fours then arched their back like Tom a moment ago. Nathan turned into a white wolf with piercing blue eyes, Jay turned into a curly hazel brown wolf with grey eyes, Max turned into a black wolf with white piercing eyes and Siva turned into a brown wolf with pitch black eyes.

"Wow, you all look amazing, especially Nathan. I love your fur, it's so white." I paused then I pet his head. "And apparently, it is so fuzzy to." I continued then giggled.


Okay, so I know some of you hate the recaps I’m putting in the story but please understand... I sometimes forget where I ended at then i will start to forget the story so please stay with me on this one… Thank you... Okay, back to the story...

Hope you enjoy, I know it has been a long time since I've updated and i'm so so sorry for it.

Love you lots <3 <3 <3


Nathan's POV: (we can finally know what the werewolf is thinking.)

"Wow, you all look amazing, especially Nathan. I love your fur, it's so white." She paused then she pets my head. "And apparently, it is so fuzzy to." Macie continued the she giggled. Her giggle warms my heart so much its frightening... We all know that harry and his gang are mates with Macie but so are we, and there is another one that that witch Iggy Azalea mentioned us when we talked to her before we showed ourselves to Macie. Right now I am curious as to what Macie is feeling right now. If she is happy to be with us, the last one killed herself when she found out what we really are.

“Nathan, why are you tearing up?” She asked me. I whined when realization hit me. That was a painful past. Macie does not even know what really happened, she thought the last girl we showed ourselves went into a coma but in reality, she killed herself for being with us. That was the day we lost hope that we would find another mate, until we saw Macie. I just whined and lay my head down on Macie’s lap as she lay down on the grass.

It has been an hour now and Macie is sleeping, the boys changed back into their human form but I remained a wolf, I want to savor this moment while it still lasts. Tom looked towards me worry written on his face.

“Hey Nathan, mate, I feel something is wrong or something. I cannot put a finger on it but I can feel it.” Tom said worriedly. I changed back into my human form; good thing Macie is asleep. I zoom to my room to wear some shorts then went back to the boys and Macie.

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