Ch. 33- Breathe Me

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This chapter contains underage drinking WHICH I DO NOT ENCOURAGE FYI

okay, so it's a school night, it's super late, I'm exhausted. but I wanted to update for you guys, so if I could be repaid with some comments throughout the chapter YOU WOULD MAKE ME VERY HAPPY PRETTY PLEASE. 

It would make my day. So please. I'll try to update the next chapter ASAP. I have a portable mini laptop now, so I think I'll be able to write more when Im not studying. I'm sorry it took so long, senior year is kicking my butt. 

Friday, September 7, 2012 (Percy; 15 sophomore year)

Percy had to remind himself not to scowl. Scowling resulted in questions. Still, the fire he felt course through his body was unbearable. He couldn't stand to continue sitting there.

"Rachel, I think I'm going to go for a swim," he said while standing from the lunch table.

Rachel frowned. "I thought you had to wait like half an hour after eating?" she questioned.

With an aggravated expression, he said, "I'll risk it." He glanced at Nico, who wasn't even paying attention to him, and then left the cafeteria.

It'd been two weeks. Two stupid weeks and Nico still wouldn't hold a full conversation with Percy. Sure he said hey, he asked what was going on, and he stood around him. But usually, he was talking to someone else. To Annabeth or some girl to flirt with. Percy shuddered. He never thought that the name Nico and the word flirt would ever be used in the same sentence. Percy was almost sure Nico had traded him for Annabeth. They were always together. To his horror, there were even rumors that they were dating and just didn't want to tell Percy considering everyone knew she was his ex and he was his best friend.

But Rachel had to be the worst. Percy didn't understand how he hadn't noticed before, but she was a jealous nag with zero sympathy. "Whoa, Nico looks kind of hot," she said when she first realized who it was. "Well, they'd be super cute together, the little brainiacs," she said when she heard the rumor. "Oh what, are you jealous? You still like her, don't you?" she accused when Percy gave an exasperated sigh at her comment.

When he entered the gym, he took his shirt off. He went to his locker and got into the swimming shorts he used when he came. He took a long breath and dove into the water.

The minute he was completely submerged he felt better. It was as though being underwater literally drowned away everything else. He started swimming, feeling the current against his body, the smooth coolness splash against his arms and face, and the exertion in his limbs. Percy loved every part of it. He swam from one end to the other as quickly as he could, putting all of his focus into swimming. Nothing else mattered.

But lunch wasn't that long. He had to dry off and get to class soon. As he changed back, he couldn't help but think about the change Nico had underwent. He kept seeing Nico and Melody huddling together at lunch, talking. Nico whispering and Melody blushing.

Melody. Just her name gave Percy a surge of anger. She had short dark hair, green eyes, and lots of freckles. She'd transferred from Legion High, among a few others. She was a senior, so Percy wasn't sure what the hell she was doing dating a sophomore the age of a freshman. Percy thought she was pail and thin. But she had cleavage, and Percy often noticed Nico glancing at it.

Nico wasn't like that. He never looked at the physical things. Now he did. Percy remembered once outside of school that he'd caught a glimpse of them talking and Nico had his hand placed a little too low at her back.

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