Ch. 47- Little Do You Know

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~Alex and Sierra

I didn't proofread, so there's probably a lot of mistakes in here. Sorry. Last update before school starts so idk when I'll upload again. Probably until after finals. Thanks Trafalgar_Luffy for your compassion with patience! And thank you to the others who leave comments that make me feel special <3 You're all amazing and yes, I read every comment! I love you guys. comment and share, please!

Happy Readings ~Ally xoxo

Saturday July 27, 2013

That morning had been hectic. Dahlia took charge of Mom's makeup and hair, Annabeth took charge of everything else. She kept everyone to a schedule she'd worked out a few weeks before.

Paul got ready at Nico's house. Mom got ready at home. That didn't mean there wasn't work for Percy to do. He constantly had to reassure his mom that her bouquet was fine, that her dress wasn't stained, that the chairs they'd sent to the ballroom were enough, and that they would of course be on time to the church. He'd watched as Dahlia dabbed makeup and curled her hair, watched as Annabeth helped put her jewelry on, the whole deal.

Still, when she exited her room with her dress on, Percy couldn't speak. His mom looked more than beautiful. She looked like a goddess that would put Aphrodite to shame. His chest swelled with pride.

This was his mom. She'd raised him on her own, she worked all her life, she took on every challenge thrown her way with so much strength, she never asked for help. As if that wasn't enough, she was forgiving, encouraging, compassionate, and kind. His mother was such a good person and it felt amazing to see life finally treat her the way she deserved. Like a queen.

Now, at the back of the church with her arm looped through his, she seemed anxious. "I don't like heels," she muttered. "Oh, what if I trip?"

"Mom," Percy said with a smile. "Relax. Just lean on me like I've always leaned on you."

Her multicolored eyes watered and she cupped his face. "Oh, Percy. I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for this."

"I love you too, Mom," he said. "Ready?" She nodded and her grip on his arm tightened.

As the doors opened, he smiled slightly. Everyone turned to look at her. And everyone's jaw dropped in awe. Percy began walking and she followed his lead. He could hear her nervous breaths. "Just look at Paul, Momma. Nobody else matters." Her hand squeezed his forearm in gratitude.

Paul was smiling from ear to ear with tears forming in his eyes. He covered his mouth and fidgeted a bit, astounded that this woman was going to be his wife. As Percy reached the altar, he put his mom's hand in Paul's. "Be good to her," he whispered. Paul nodded and squeezed his shoulder.

Percy took his spot beside Paul, seconding as a best man. Tyson was next to him in his own suit, holding a box as though his life depended on it. Annabeth was on Mom's side wearing a beautiful one strap blue dress. She smiled at him and he smiled back as the priest began his speech.

He looked at the crowd of people. Paul's family was on one side. Some of Percy's friends had come too, and it was weird to see them dressed elegantly. Mom's coworkers were there too. Dad was there, looking at the altar where they stood with a look of pain. Though when he caught Percy looking, he smiled. Mrs. Callida, Chiron, Mrs. Winters, and Grandma Zhang were there too. Of course the di Angelo family as well.

Automatically, Percy's eyes were drawn to Nico. God, he looked good in a suit. His messy hair somehow worked with the elegant look. His silver tie gleamed. He was tanner after returning from Italy. They hadn't spoken or even looked at each other ever since the day he left.

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